
Appraisal-based Emotion Classification in Text

GPL-3.0 License


This repository contains the Appraisal enISEAR dataset: A reannotation of the enISEAR corpus with Cognitive Appraisal. Further, this repository contains python code that was used for the experiments in the paper Appraisal Theories for Emotion Classification in Text.

Jan Hofmann, Enrica Troiano, Kai Sassenberg, and Roman Klinger. Appraisal theories for emotion classification in text. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2020. [ bib | http]

In addition, this repository provides scripts to reproduce the results of the models reported in the paper. For more information about the Appraisal enISEAR dataset see the Corpora Overview.


Installation using Anaconda

  1. Install Anaconda
  2. Install Tensorflow environment
conda create -n tf tensorflow=1.14  # (CPU-Version)
conda create -n tf tensorflow-gpu=1.14 # (GPU-Version)
  1. Activate Tensorflow environment and install futher dependencies
conda activate tf;
pip3 install numpy==1.16.4 pandas sklearn keras==2.3.0 gensim;

Manual Installation

CPU Only

  • Python 3.5+
  • Install dependencies:
pip3 install --user numpy==1.16.4 pandas sklearn keras==2.3.0 gensim tensorflow==1.14

GPU Support (nvidia)

  • Python 3.5 or 3.6
  • Install dependencies:
pip3 install --user numpy==1.16.4 pandas sklearn keras==2.3.0 gensim tensorflow-gpu==1.14
  • Install cuda (Testet with cuda 10.0.130)
  • Install cuDNN (Tested with cudnn

This configuration was tested on linux with python 3.8.1 for CPU and python 3.5.9 for GPU support.

Reproducing Results on 'Appraisal enISEAR'

Baseline Results

To start the baseline models on the enISEAR dataset navigate to the baseline directory with cd impl-z-baseline; then run

python3 --dataset enISEAR
python3 --dataset enISEAR

Appraisal predictions based on Text

In order to reproduce the ''appraisal prediction from text'' experiment navigate to the ''main experiment'' directory with cd impl-main-experiments;. Then run

python3 --dataset enISEAR_V1

To run the model on the automated annotations run

python3 --dataset enISEAR_V3

Emotion predictions based on Appraisals

In order to predict emotions from appraisals navigate to the ''main experiment'' directory with cd impl-main-experiments;. Then run

python3 --dataset enISEAR_V1

Pipeline Experiment

In order to reproduce the ''appraisal-emotion-pipeline'' experiment navigate to the ''main experiment'' directory with cd impl-main-experiments;. Then run

python3 --dataset enISEAR_V1

Multi-task and Oracle Experiment

In order to reproduce the multi-task experiment navigate to the additional experiments directory with cd impl-x-additional-experiments;. Then run

python3 --dataset enISEAR_V1


python3 --dataset enISEAR_V1 --rounds 1

Annotating unlabeled Text Instances with Appraisals

The scripts can be used to predict appraisals on text instances with no emotions labels. To do this first navigate to the ''main experiment'' directory with cd impl-main-experiments; Then run the script with the --annotate option:

python3 -d enISEAR_V1 --annotate <TextInstances>.csv

You can also skip training to predict appraisals by using the pre-trained model, which was trained to predict appraisals on 'appraisal enISEAR' To annotate your text instances using the pre-trained model run:

python3 -d enISEAR_V1 --annotate <TextInstances>.csv --loadmodel ../pre-trained/enISEAR_V1_appraisal_predictor.h5
<Text Instance 1>
<Text Instance 2>
<Text Instance 3>

This means the first line in the file musst be 'Sentence' followed by your text instances (one in every line).

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