Interesting APT Report Collection And Some Special IOC


APT_REPORT collected by @blackorbird https://twitter.com/blackorbird

Interesting apt report & sample & malware & technology & intellegence collection

APT Group for country

Threat Actor Groups Tracked by Palo Alto Networks Unit 42




ScarCruft continues to evolve, introduces Bluetooth harvester https://securelist.com/scarcruft-continues-to-evolve-introduces-bluetooth-harvester/90729/ (May 13, 2019)

Group123 Attempts to attack 'printing paper' APT disguised as a guide to organization and conferences https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2287 (May 2 , 2019)

Group123, APT attack impersonating Unification Ministry, spread malicious code to Google Drive https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2268 (April 22 , 2019)

group123 APT organization, 'Operation High Expert' https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2226 (April 2 , 2019)

Rocketman APT Campaign Returned to Operation Holiday Wiper https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2089 (Jan 23, 2019)

'Operation Blackbird', the mobile invasion of the ' https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2035 (Dec 13, 2018)

group123 'Operation Korean Sword' is underway https://blog.alyac.co.kr/1985 (Nov. 16, 2018)

group123 Group's latest APT campaign - 'Operation Rocket Man' https://blog.alyac.co.kr/1853 (Aug. 22, 2018)

group123, Flash Player Zero-Day (CVE-2018-4878) Attack Attention https://blog.alyac.co.kr/1521 (Feb 02, 2018)

'group123' group 'survey on the total number of discovery of separated families in North and South' https://blog.alyac.co.kr/1767 (July 28, 2014)

Rocketman APT campaign, 'Operation Golden Bird' https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2205 (March 20, 2013)

Korea In The Crosshairs https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/01/korea-in-crosshairs.html (Jan 16, 2018)

FreeMilk: A Highly Targeted Spear Phishing Campaign https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/unit42-freemilk-highly-targeted-spear-phishing-campaign/ (Oct 5, 2017)

baby related kimsuky

BabyShark Malware Part Two Attacks Continue Using KimJongRAT and PCRat (April 26, 2019) https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/babyshark-malware-part-two-attacks-continue-using-kimjongrat-and-pcrat/

Operation Giant Baby, a giant threat (March 28, 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2223

Malicious code installed with coin purse program(Alibaba) (March 15, 2019) https://asec.ahnlab.com/1209

New BabyShark Malware Targets U.S. National Security Think Tanks (Feb. 22, 2019) https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/new-babyshark-malware-targets-u-s-national-security-think-tanks/

Korea's latest APT attack, Operation Mystery Baby Attention! (Feb 11, 2018) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/1963

Returned to Korea as Operation Baby Coin, APT attacker, overseas target in 2010 (Apr. 19, 2014) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/1640


Kimsuky, Blue House Green Support / Sangchunjae Estimate https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2645

Kimsuky, cyber security bureau Cryptographic Cases (May 28 , 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2338

Kimsuky, Korea Cryptographic Exchange Event Impersonation APT Attack (May 28 , 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2336

Kimsuky 'Fake striker' APT campaign aimed at Korea (May 20 , 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2315

Analysis of "Smoke Screen" in APT campaign aimed at Korea and America (April 17 , 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2243

Encrypted APT attack, Kimsuky organization's 'smoke screen' PART 2 (May 13 , 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2299

Kimsuky Organization, Operation Stealth Power Silence Operation (April 3 , 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2234

Kimsuky Organization, Watering Hole Started "Operation Low Kick"(March 21, 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2209


SiliVaccine: Inside North Koreas Anti-Virus (May 1, 2018) https://research.checkpoint.com/silivaccine-a-look-inside-north-koreas-anti-virus/


Lazarus Group Goes 'Fileless'an implant w/ remote download & in-memory execution https://objective-see.com/blog/blog_0x51.html

LAZARUS APT TARGETS MAC USERS WITH POISONED WORD DOCUMENT https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/lazarus-apt-targets-mac-users-poisoned-word-document/


Konni's APT Group conducts attacks with Russian-North Korean trade and economic investment documents https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2535

APT Campaign 'Konni' & 'Kimsuky' find commonality in organizations (June 10, 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2347

Korean Kusa Konni Organization, Blue Sky Utilizing 'Amadey' Russia Botnet (May 16, 2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2308

The Konni APT Campaign and 'Operation Hunter Adonis' (Jan 1 ,2019) https://blog.alyac.co.kr/2061


Threat Spotlight: Ratsnif - New Network Vermin from OceanLotus (July 1, 2019) https://threatvector.cylance.com/en_us/home/threat-spotlight-ratsnif-new-network-vermin-from-oceanlotus.html

Analysis report on the attack on mobile devices by Oceanlotus (May 24, 2019)


Oceanlotus in the first quarter of 2019 for the attack technology of China.(April 24, 2019) https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xPsEXp2J5IE7wNSMEVC24A

Deobfuscating APT32 Flow Graphs with Cutter and Radare2 (April 24, 2019) https://research.checkpoint.com/deobfuscating-apt32-flow-graphs-with-cutter-and-radare2/

OceanLotus Steganography Malware Analysis White Paper (April 2 , 2019) https://threatvector.cylance.com/en_us/home/report-oceanlotus-apt-group-leveraging-steganography.html

OceanLotus: macOS malware update(April 9 , 2019)



CB TAU Threat Intelligence Notification: Hunting APT28 Downloaders (April 5 , 2019) https://www.carbonblack.com/2019/04/05/cb-threat-intelligence-notification-hunting-apt28-downloaders/


A dive into Turla PowerShell usage (May 29 , 2019) https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/05/29/turla-powershell-usage/


tick group new campaign, attack north korean and japan https://www.ahnlab.com/kr/site/securityinfo/secunews/secuNewsView.do?curPage=1&menu_dist=2&seq=28186 (April 1 , 2019)


bayer-says-has-detected-contained-cyber-attack (April 5 , 2019)



Middle East Asia


Recent MuddyWater-associated BlackWater campaign shows signs of new anti-detection techniques(May 20,2019)



APT-C-38 attack activity revealed (May 27,2019) http://blogs.360.cn/post/analysis-of-APT-C-38.html

APT Group for finance


CARBANAK Week Part One: A Rare Occurrence (April 22, 2019) https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2019/04/carbanak-week-part-one-a-rare-occurrence.html

londonblue (Nigeria)

Evolving Tactics: London Blue Starts Spoofing Target Domains (April 4 , 2019) PDF is in the folder https://www.agari.com/email-security-blog/london-blue-evolving-tactics/


Pick-Six: Intercepting a FIN6 Intrusion, an Actor Recently Tied to Ryuk and LockerGoga Ransomware(April 5 , 2019) https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2019/04/pick-six-intercepting-a-fin6-intrusion.html


On the Hunt for FIN7: Pursuing an Enigmatic and Evasive Global Criminal Operation (August 01, 2018) https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2018/08/fin7-pursuing-an-enigmatic-and-evasive-global-criminal-operation.html