
A basic language that compiles to ARM assembly so I can write less assembly!

MIT License



A basic language that compiles to ARM assembly so I can write less assembly!


Python 3.6 or greater must be installed to use this application. The code may rely on C++20 features, I haven't checked. You will need at least a C++17 capable compiler.


Without ARMSim there would have been no way to run the generated assembly program. To the people that worked on that, thank you


  • if - Execute the inner code if the condition is true
  • while - Run the inner code until the condition is false
  • func - Create a new function with optional arguments
  • return - Optionally return a value from a function, or exit the function early
  • asm - Insert raw assembly. Variables wrapped in ${} are converted to the register they represent
  • end - Ends a block statement (if, while, func, asm)
  • let - Create a new variable
  • label - Insert a label at this position
  • goto - Jump to a given label
  • print - Print the given string
  • println - Print the given string, with a newline inserted at the end (for convenience)
  • exit - Exit the program, with an optional return value
  • <variable name here> - Modify a variable
  • <function name here> - Execute a function that has been defined. Anything returned is stored in the special _ variable

sample code

See also: the "standard library"

This example code:

let x = 12
let y = x
x = y + 8
y = x * x

func important_check in
    if in == 20
        println "x is currently 20!"

important_check x

while y > x
    x += 100
    println "BUNP"

println "that's all folks!"
exit x

Turns into this ARM assembly code:

.global _start
	mov x11, #12
	mov x12, x11
	add x9, x12, #8
	mov x11, x9
	mul x9, x11, x11
	mov x12, x9
	mov x0, x11
	str x11, [sp, #-0x10]!
	str x12, [sp, #-0x10]!
	bl important_check
	ldr x12, [sp], #0x10
	ldr x11, [sp], #0x10
	cmp x12, x11
	ble ._while2
	add x11, x11, #100
	mov x0, #1
	ldr x1, =_str1
	ldr x2, =_str1_len
	mov x8, 0x40
	svc 0
	b ._while1
	mov x0, #1
	ldr x1, =_str2
	ldr x2, =_str2_len
	mov x8, 0x40
	svc 0
	mov x0, x11
	mov x8, #93
	svc 0
	b ._proc_end
	str lr, [sp, #-0x10]!
	mov x11, x0
	cmp x11, #20
	bne ._if0
	mov x0, #1
	ldr x1, =_str0
	ldr x2, =_str0_len
	mov x8, 0x40
	svc 0
	ldr lr, [sp], #0x10
_str0: .asciz "x is currently 20!\n"
_str0_len = .-_str0
_str1: .asciz "BUNP\n"
_str1_len = .-_str1
_str2: .asciz "that's all folks!\n"
_str2_len = .-_str2