
🦔 Subscribe to the content published on Arxiv Sanity.

MIT License


All this tool does is scrape Arxiv Sanity, and produce consumable RSS feeds that can be used in your favorite RSS reader (such as Feedly or Outlook).

Feeds are updated daily.

Feed Locations

Home Page Subscribe to Home Page feed Validate home feed

Most Recent Papers (Weekly) Subscribe to Most Recent Papers (Weekly) feed Validate most recent papers feed

Random Papers (Last Week) Subscribe to Random Papers (Last Week) feed Validate most recent papers feed


  1. Install Python 3 on your target operating system.
  2. Create a virtual environment with python3 -m venv .env.
  3. Install required packages with pip install -r src/feedingress/requirements.txt.
  4. Set up the following environment variables:
    • AZ_STORAGE_CS - the Azure Storage account connection string.
  5. Run the application: python -m feedingress.

Once the application runs, it will upload the generated RSS feeds to the Azure Storage account of choice.