
Simple Asteroids clone in Python, using pygame

GPL-3.0 License



Simple Asteroids clone in Python, using pygame

    _        _                 _     _
   / \   ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ (_) __| |___
  / _ \ / __| __/ _ \ '__/ _ \| |/ _` / __|
 / ___ \\__ \ ||  __/ | | (_) | | (_| \__ \
/_/   \_\___/\__\___|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|___/

by Amin Bandali

How To Play

To play the game, open a terminal (or command line window) and type: python

Press Enter a click anywhere on the screen to start the game.

You have 3 lives to begin with (displayed at top left). Each time a rock hits your spaceship, you lose a life. You have to avoid rocks.

You begin with a 0 score (displayed at top right corner).

You can move around:

  • use left and right (or "a" and "d" if you're a gamer) to rotate your spaceship
  • use up arrow (or "w") to accelerate.

You can fire missiles using the "space bar".

  • When a missile hits a big rock, it breaks it into two medium sized ones. Your score goes up by 20.
  • When a missile hits a medium sized rock, it breaks it into two small ones. Your score goes up by 50.
  • When a missile hits a small rock, it destroys it completely and your score goes up by 100.

The game gets more difficult for each 20 seconds you survive:

  • One more big rock is added to the screen (they were 4 initially)
  • The radius of rocks being created gets smaller, meaning that they will appear closer to your spaceship.