
Create dummy data for Audience Studio on Treasure Data


Audience Data Generator

A script to create dummy data for Audience Studio on Treasure Data.

You can create a database (if not exists) including the following tables:

  • users
  • cities
  • behavior_1
  • behavior_2
  • attribute_1
  • attribute_2

How to use

Set up


  • Python 3.8+

We recommend to install after creating a virtual environment as the following:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv)$ pip install git+

Or, you can install with --user option.

$ pip install --user git+


Set TD_API_KEY for your master API key and TD_API_SERVER for your API endpoint as environment variables.

$ export TD_API_KEY="1234/XXXXXXXXXX"
$ export TD_API_SERVER=""
$ audience_generator my_db

You can see detailed options with --help option.

Usage: audience_generator [OPTIONS] DATABASE

  Create dummy data for Audience Studio in a database.

  Target tables are: users, cities, behavior_1, and behavior_2.

  Target database will be created automatically if not exists.

  -s, --api-server TEXT    Treasure Data API Endpoint
  -n, --user-size INTEGER  Target order of generated users. Must be bewteen 11
                           to 100000000

  -o, --overwrite          Recreate target tables
  -d, --dry-run            Check query with dry run. Set -vv to show query.
  -v, --verbose
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

The dummy data examples

users table

This table consists of time, td_client_id, email, and country columns.

  • email column can be a, b, or c randomly
  • country can be japan, usa, canada. The ratio of them is japan:usa:canada = 2:3:1.

The example table looks like this:

time td_client_id email country
1000010 8fc00148-4309-4337-8b7f-89472cf9a6e5 c japan
1000009 a2a61a1a-1ba7-4195-d96c-de92bded5648 b japan
1000007 2239f4b6-c5b8-40af-9838-48bedb6e08e7 a canada
1000006 e69b4154-c45f-4ac3-8529-975bf93a51dc c usa

cities table

This table consists of name, cn, fanoutn, and time.

The example table looks like this:

name cn fanoutn time
Abidjan1 Abidjan 1 1585294664
Abilene1 Abilene 1 1585294664
Rabat9 Rabat 9 1585294664
Raleigh9 Raleigh 9 1585294664

behavior_1 table

This table consists of time, test_city_name, and td_client_id.

  • By using td_client_id, you can join with users table
  • You can join with cities table by joining`.

The example table looks like this:

time test_city_name td_client_id
8146810 Ulaanbaatar7 3e590038-7f2b-4634-dc32-ea7fa82436cc
8119605 Adamstown10 3dd6aff9-0f25-49c9-ecd5-fa6b72cf0bea
7974002 Luxembourg6 8e25a0db-97ca-46a8-ae9c-e0b03ab54cab

behavoir_2 table

This table consists of time, test_city_name, td_client_id, and opts.

  • opts can be an integer from 0 to 2
  • By using td_client_id, you can join with users table
  • You can join with cities table by joining`.

The example table looks like this:

time test_city_name td_client_id opts
8376800 Beirut9 dddc1ac8-a68d-4c11-d477-2fb58908b23f 1
8266808 Prague5 7ad27e8e-adce-4537-ecf2-d43e4f3ed5bd 0
8234002 Palikir9 621c1386-5f7e-44ea-af4d-acd3020349eb 0
8204000 Rio Rancho4 dddc1ac8-a68d-4c11-d477-2fb58908b23f 2

attribute_1 table

This table consists of time, td_client_id, country, td_os, and td_language.

  • country is the same field as users table
  • td_os contains Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The ratio is 1:1:1:2:2.
  • td_language contains ja_JP, en_GB, and en_US. The ratio is 2:1:1.
time country td_client_id td_os td_language
8376800 japan dddc1ac8-a68d-4c11-d477-2fb58908b23f Windows en_US
8266808 canada 7ad27e8e-adce-4537-ecf2-d43e4f3ed5bd Android ja_JP
8234002 usa 621c1386-5f7e-44ea-af4d-acd3020349eb iOS ja_JP
8204000 usa dddc1ac8-a68d-4c11-d477-2fb58908b23f macOS en_GB

attribute_2 table

This table consists of td_client_id, age, item_count, ctr, and time.

  • td_client_id is nullable. The ratio is determined by non_null_rate option
  • age is a random number which can be from 0 to 60
  • item_count is a random number which can be from 0 to 5
  • ctr is a random number from 0.0 to 1.0
time td_client_id age item_count ctr
8376800 dddc1ac8-a68d-4c11-d477-2fb58908b23f 36 1 0.994594137517313
8266808 7ad27e8e-adce-4537-ecf2-d43e4f3ed5bd 54 2 0.58730152122260440.5873015212226044
8234002 621c1386-5f7e-44ea-af4d-acd3020349eb 17 1 0.6011213596629439
8204000 dddc1ac8-a68d-4c11-d477-2fb58908b23f 6 2 0.7007648809644941