
One version package to rule them all, One version package to find them, One version package to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

MIT License



One version package to rule them all, One version package to find them, One version package to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Make anything a version object, and compare against a vast section of other version formats.


python3 -m pip install awesomeversion

AwesomeVersion class

The AwesomeVersion class takes a version as the first argument, you can also pass in additional kwargs to customize the version object.

Argument Description
version The version string to parse.
ensure_strategy Match the AwesomeVersion object against spesific strategies when creating if. If it does not match AwesomeVersionStrategyException will be raised
find_first_match If True, the version given will be scanned for the first match of the given ensure_strategy. Raises AwesomeVersionStrategyException If it is not found for any of the given strategies.

AwesomeVersion methods

This is a helper method to check if the version is in a range. This method takes two arguments, lowest and highest, both are required, and returns a boolean.

Note This method is the same as doing lowest <= AwesomeVersion <= highest


from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion
print(AwesomeVersion("1.2.2").in_range("1.2.1", "1.3"))
> True
print(AwesomeVersion("1.2.0").in_range("1.2.1", "1.3"))
> False

This is a helper method to get the difference between two versions. This method takes one argument which is the version to compare against, and returns a AwesomeVersionDiff object.

Note This method is the same as doing AwesomeVersion - version


from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion
> print(AwesomeVersion("1.0").diff("2.1"))
AwesomeVersionDiff(major=True, minor=True, patch=False, modifier=False, strategy=False)

This is a helper method to get a section of the version. This method takes one argument which is the section to get, and returns an integer representing it (or 0 if it does not exist).


from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion
> print(AwesomeVersion("1.0").section(0))

AwesomeVersion properties

Argument Description
alpha This is a boolean representing if the version is an alpha version.
beta This is a boolean representing if the version is a beta version.
dev This is a boolean representing if the version is a dev version.
major This is an AwesomeVersion object representing the major version or None if not present.
micro This is an AwesomeVersion object representing the micro version or None if not present.
minor This is an AwesomeVersion object representing the minor version or None if not present.
modifier_type This is a string representing the modifier type of the version or None if not present.
modifier This is a string representing the modifier of the version or None if not present.
patch This is an AwesomeVersion object representing the patch version or None if not present.
prefix This is the prefix of the version or None if not present.
release_candidate This is a boolean representing if the version is a release candidate version.
simple This is a boolean representing if the version is a simple version.
strategy_description This is a AwesomeVersionStrategyDescription object representing the strategy description of the version.
strategy This is a AwesomeVersionStrategy object representing the strategy of the version.
string This is the string representation of the version (without the v prefix if present).
valid This is a boolean representing if the version is valid (not unknown strategy).
year This is alias to major, and is an AwesomeVersion object representing the year.

Example usage

Here are some examples of how you can use this package, more examples can be found in the tests directory.

from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

current = AwesomeVersion("1.2.2")
upstream = AwesomeVersion("1.2.3")

print(upstream > current)
> True
from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

current = AwesomeVersion("2021.1.0")
upstream = AwesomeVersion("2021.1.0b2")

print(current > upstream)
> True
from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

> True

> False
from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

with AwesomeVersion("20.12.0") as current:
    with AwesomeVersion("20.12.1") as upstream:
        print(upstream > current)
> True
from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

base = AwesomeVersion("20.12.0")

print(base > "20.12.1")
> False

print(base > "19")
> True

print(base > 5)
> True

General behavior

You can test your versions on the demo page.


When comparing versions with modifiers, if the base version is the same the modifier will be used to determine the order. If one of the versions do not have a modifier, the one without will be considered newer.

The order of the modifiers are:

  • No modifier
  • RC
  • Beta
  • Alpha
  • Dev
from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

print(AwesomeVersion("1.0.0") > AwesomeVersion("1.0.0b6"))
> True
print(AwesomeVersion("1.0.0") > AwesomeVersion("1.0.0.dev6"))
> True
print(AwesomeVersion("1.0.0.dev19") > AwesomeVersion("1.0.0b4"))
> False

Special versions (container)

There are some special versions for container that are handled differently than typical version formats. The special versions are in the following order:

  • dev (newest)
  • latest
  • beta
  • stable (oldest)

If only the first version is this special version, it will be considered newer. If only the second version is this special version, it will be considered older.

from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion

print(AwesomeVersion("latest") > AwesomeVersion("1.0.0b6"))
> True
print(AwesomeVersion("1.0.0") > AwesomeVersion("latest"))
> False
print(AwesomeVersion("stable") > AwesomeVersion("latest"))
> False
print(AwesomeVersion("beta") > AwesomeVersion("dev"))
> False


All contributions are welcome!

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone the repository locally and open the devcontainer or use GitHub codespaces
  3. Do your changes
  4. Lint the files with make lint
  5. Ensure all tests passes with make test
  6. Ensure 100% coverage with make coverage
  7. Commit your work, and push it to GitHub
  8. Create a PR against the main branch