
The official Python SDK for Contiguity Base

MIT License


Installation & Setup

You can install the SDK using pip:

$ pip install contiguity_base

Then, import & initialize it like this:

from contiguity_base import connect

db = connect("your-api-key", "your-project-id")

You can get an API key by fetching it in the dashboard, and a project ID is given to you when creating a project.

For those moving from Deta Space

Contiguity Base is a one-to-one replacement for the old Deta Base API, Deta Base JavaScript SDK, Deta Base Python SDK, and Deta Base Go SDK. The only thing that has changed is initialization.

Instead of deta = Deta(project_key), you'll use db = connect(api_key, project_id)

The rest stays the same, because at Contiguity, we think it's crazy for a cloud provider to give you 45 days to move dozens of apps from their proprietary database.

If you're transitioning from Deta Space to Contiguity, welcome!

Creating your first "base"

To start working with a base, you can create a Base instance:

my_base = db.Base("my-awesome-base")

Now you're ready to perform some cool database operations!

Putting data into your base

To add an item to your base, use the put method:

item = {
    "name": "Contiguity",
    "is_awesome": True,
    "coolness_level": 9000


You can also specify a key for your item:

my_base.put(item, "unique-key-1")

Batch putting

Need to add multiple items at once? No problem! Just pass a list of items:

items = [
    {"name": "Item 1", "value": 100},
    {"name": "Item 2", "value": 200},
    {"name": "Item 3", "value": 300, "key": "some-unique-key"}


Inserting data into your base

To insert an item into your base, use the insert method. This is useful when you want to ensure you're not overwriting existing data:

new_item = {
    "name": "New Product",
    "price": 49.99

my_base.insert(new_item, "product-1")

If an item with the same key already exists, the insert operation will fail, preventing accidental overwrites.

Getting data from your base

To retrieve an item, use the get method:

my_item = my_base.get("unique-key-1")
print(my_item["name"])  # Outputs: Contiguity

Updating data in your base

Need to update an item? Use the update method:

my_base.update({"coolness_level": 9001}, "unique-key-1")

Deleting data from your base

To remove an item, use the delete method:


Querying (fetching) your base

You can perform complex queries using the fetch method like so:

results = my_base.fetch({
    "is_awesome": True,
    "": "John"

Query Operators


  "age": 22, 
  "name": "Sarah"
  • Hierarchical
  "user.profile.age": 22, 
  "": "Sarah"
  • Array
  "fav_numbers": [2, 4, 8]
  • Nested Object
  "time": { 
    "day": "Tuesday", 
    "hour": "08:00"

Not Equal

  "user.profile.age?ne": 22

Less Than

  "user.profile.age?lt": 22

Greater Than

  "user.profile.age?gt": 22

Less Than or Equal

  "user.profile.age?lte": 22

Greater Than or Equal

  "user.profile.age?gte": 22

Prefix (String starts with)

  "": "afdk"


  "user.age?r": [22, 30]


  • String contains a substring
  "": ""
  • List contains an item
  "user.places_lived_list?contains": "Miami"

Not Contains

  • String does not contain a substring
  "": ""
  • List does not contain an item
  "user.places_lived_list?not_contains": "Miami"

Utility operations

Contiguity provides some cool utility operations for updating your data:

Increment a value

my_base.update({"views": my_base.util.increment(1)}, "blog-post-1")

Decrement a value

my_base.update({"days": my_base.util.increment(-1)}, "countdown")

Append to an array

my_base.update({"tags": my_base.util.append("awesome")}, "product-1")

Prepend to an array

my_base.update({"recent_visitors": my_base.util.prepend("Alice")}, "website-stats")

Trim a string

my_base.update({"description": my_base.util.trim()}, "user-bio")

Debug mode

If you enable debug mode during initialization, the SDK will log detailed information about your requests. This can be super helpful for troubleshooting!

db = connect("your-api-key", "your-project-id", debug=True)

Error handling

The SDK won't throw errors when things don't go as planned. Instead, it will return None in most cases, like if you attempt to GET a non-existent key. However, it is always recommended to put database calls in a try/except block:

except Exception as error:
    print("Oops!", str(error))


  • Support for more complex query operations
  • Batch operations for deleting multiple items
  • "Deta Drive" support (file storage)
  • And many more exciting features!