
Python wrapper for MPFR, providing high-precision floating-point arithmetic

LGPL-3.0 License


.. image:: :alt: Status of most recent Travis CI run :target:

The bigfloat package

The bigfloat package is a Python package providing arbitrary-precision correctly-rounded binary floating-point arithmetic. It is implemented as a Cython <>_ wrapper around the GNU MPFR library <>_. A couple of lines of Python code should give the idea::

>>> from bigfloat import *
>>> with precision(200) + RoundTowardZero:
...     print(sqrt(2))
>>> with quadruple_precision:
...     const_pi()
BigFloat.exact('3.14159265358979323846264338327950280', precision=113)


  • Supports Python 2 (version 2.7) and Python 3 (version 3.5 or later).

  • Exactly reproducible correctly-rounded results across platforms; precisely-defined semantics compatible with the IEEE 754-2008 standard.

  • Support for mixed-type operations with Python integers and floats.

  • Support for emulating IEEE 754 arithmetic in any of the IEEE binary interchange formats described in IEEE 754-2008. Infinities, NaNs, signed zeros, and subnormals are all supported.

  • Easy control of rounding modes and precisions via Context objects and Python's with statement.


Full package documentation <>_ is hosted at Read the Docs. Read on for a quick tour.

A quick tour

The bigfloat package is small and simple to use. Here's a quick tour of some of its features.

For demonstration purposes, start with::

>>> from bigfloat import *

Note that this import shadows some builtin Python functions, namely abs, max, min, pow, round, sum and (on Python 2 only) cmp. In normal usage you'll probably only want to import the classes and functions that you actually need.

The main class is the BigFloat class::

>>> BigFloat(1)  # can be constructed from an integer, float or string
BigFloat.exact('1.00000000000000000000000000000000000', precision=113)
>>> BigFloat('3.14159') ** 2 / 6.0  # can combine with ints and floats
BigFloat.exact('1.64493128801666666666666666666666670', precision=113)
>>> BigFloat('0.1', precision(200)) # high-precision value from string
0000000002', precision=200)

Newly-created BigFloat instances refer to the current context to determine what precision and rounding modes to use. This current context is represented by a Context instance, and can be retrieved by calling getcontext::

>>> getcontext()
Context(precision=113, emax=16384, emin=-16493,
        subnormalize=True, rounding=ROUND_TIES_TO_EVEN)

The precision(200) argument passed to the BigFloat constructor above is also an example of a Context::

>>> precision(200)

The context used for a calculation can be set using the setcontext function, but a better way to make a temporary change to the context is to use Python's with statement::

>>> with precision(1000):
...     print sqrt(2)

Here, sqrt is one of a number of mathematical functions that the bigfloat package exports. As you can see, these functions operate on integers and floats as well as BigFloat instances, but always return a BigFloat instance.

Rounding modes can be controlled similarly. Here are upper and lower bounds for π, accurate to 53 significant bits::

>>> with RoundTowardPositive:
...     const_pi()
BigFloat.exact('3.14159265358979323846264338327950318', precision=113)
>>> with RoundTowardNegative:
...     const_pi()
BigFloat.exact('3.14159265358979323846264338327950280', precision=113)

And as you'd expect, with statements like those above can be nested. Context objects can also be combined using addition::

>>> with RoundTowardPositive + precision(24):
...     BigFloat(1) / 3
BigFloat.exact('0.333333343', precision=24)

Various Context objects corresponding to IEEE 754 interchange formats are predefined::

>>> quadruple_precision
Context(precision=113, emax=16384, emin=-16493, subnormalize=True)
>>> half_precision
Context(precision=11, emax=16, emin=-23, subnormalize=True)
>>> with half_precision:
BigFloat.exact('0.69336', precision=11)


The bigfloat package is available on the Python package index <>, and can be installed in the usual way using easy_install or pip. Alternatively, the development sources may be downloaded from the project's homepage <https:/> on GitHub.

For more comprehensive installation instructions, please see the full documentation <>_.


Feedback is welcome! Please use the GitHub issue tracker <>_ to report issues. Alternatively, you can contact Mark Dickinson directly at [email protected] with suggestions, complaints, bug reports, etc.


The bigfloat package is copyright (C) 2009--2019 Mark Dickinson

The bigfloat package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The bigfloat package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the bigfloat package. If not, see


  • Documentation at Read the Docs <>_
  • Python package index <>_
  • Project homepage at GitHub <>_
  • Issue tracker <>_