
Binary search sorted binary file for fast random access



Binary search sorted binary file for fast random access


Define and use your own binary search file:

from binarysearchfile import BinarySearchFile

class MyBinarySearchFile(BinarySearchFile):
    magic = b'\xfe\xff\x01\x01'  # magic string, you can change 2nd and 4th byte
    headerstart = b'MyBinarySearchFile'  # name of the file format
    record = (50, 50)  # record structure, here two ints, first field can be searched binarily

bsf = MyBinarySearchFile('mybinarysearchfile')
data = [(10, 42), (4, 10), (5, 5)]
bsf.write(data)  # write sorted data
print(len(bsf))  # number of records
print(  # get index
print(bsf.get(10))  # get record
print(bsf)  # print file information

#(10, 42)
#     fname: mybinarysearchfile
#   records: 3
#      size: 40.00 Byte
#   recsize: 2 Byte  (1, 1)

The example above defines records consisting of two integers. The first element ("key") in the record can be searched binarily. Currently, the following types can be used out of the box:

0: binary adding whitepace
10: ascii adding whitespace
20: utf-8 adding whitespace
50: int
51: signedint

The file can be read by the original class:

bsf = BinarySearchFile('mybinarysearchfile')

#(10, 42)

The file format is specified in the module's docstring.

Defining your own data types

Use the following approach to define additional custom types with the DTypeDef class. Its init method takes arguments name, len, encode and decode. len, the byte length of an object, is usually a function of the object, but can be an integer for a fixed length. Register custom types only with keys greater than 99.

from binarysearchfile import BinarySearchFile, DTypeDef

class MyBinarySearchFile(BinarySearchFile):
    DTYPE = BinarySearchFile.DTYPE.copy()
    DTYPE[100] = DTypeDef(
        'fixedlenint', 5,
        encode=lambda v, s: v.to_bytes(s),
        decode=lambda v: int.from_bytes(v)
    # definitions of other class properties follow

Use binary sequential file

We provide a BinarySequentialFile class that uses the same file layout and can be used for sequential reading and writing.

from binarysearchfile import BinarySequentialFile
with BinarySequentialFile('mybinarysearchfile') as bseqf:

#(10, 42)