
A template repository to create a python package, automatically published on pypi

MIT License



This template repository provides the boilerplate to create a python package. It is configured with all the following features:

  • Test suite using tox and pytest
  • Typing using mypy
  • Linting, security and code format using ruff (using black
    code style and bandit security rules)
  • Integration with CodeClimate for code quality and coverage checks
  • CI pipeline supporting:
    • testing against multiple python versions
    • releases on PyPI
    • GitHub pages documentation using mkdocs
  • PyCharm profile basic configuration

How to use this repository template to create a new package

  • Create your github repository using this template. (The big green Use this template button)
  • Rename the bootstrap_python_package directory
  • Search and replace all the occurrences of bootstrap-python-package and bootstrap_python_package
  • Configure a pending trusted publisher on pypi using the following values:
    • PyPI Project Name: The github repository name (in this case bootstrap-python-package)
    • Owner: The github repository owner (in this case febus982)
    • Repository name: The github repository name (in this case bootstrap-python-package)
    • Workflow name: release.yml
  • Create a GitHub Actions secret named CODECLIMATE_REPORTER_ID (at URL
    containing the codeclimate reporter id (you can find it at
    If you don't want to use CodeClimate just delete workflows/python-quality.yml.
  • Update the badges in! (check for extra badges)
  • Update the PyCharm Copyright profile in the IDE settings: Editor | Copyright | Copyright Profiles (if you want to use it)
  • Setup local development:
    • Clone the repository
    • Install poetry pip install poetry
    • Install dev dependencies with make dev-dependencies
    • (optional) It is strongly recommended to install pre-commit
      and run pre-commit install so that formatting and linting are automatically executed during git commit.
  • Setup GitHub pages (this need local development setup):
    • Initialise documentation branch poetry run mike deploy dev latest --update-aliases --push
    • Configure GitHub Pages to deploy from the gh-pages branch (at URL
    • Add the main branch and the v*.*.* tag rules to the "deployment branches and tags" list in the gh-pages environment (at URL

IMPORTANT: The repository is configured to deploy on the test PyPI repository. It's strongly recommended to create the project in the test PyPI repository and test the deployment pipeline. When you're happy with the result, create the project on the official PyPI repository and remove the marked lines in workflows/release.yml.

Package release

This setup uses poetry-dynamic-versioning. This means it's not necessary to commit the version in the code but the CI pipeline will infer it from the git tag.

To release a new version, just create a new release and tag in the GitHub repository, to:

  • Build and deploy the python package to PyPI
  • Build and deploy a new version of the documentation to GitHub pages

IMPORTANT: The default configuration requires the release name and the tag to follow the convention vX.X.X (semantic versioning preceded by lowercase v). It will publish the correct version on Pypi, omitting the v (ie. v1.0.0 will publish 1.0.0).

This format can be customized, refer to poetry-dynamic-versioning docs

Commands for development

All the common commands used during development can be run using make targets:

  • make dev-dependencies: Install dev requirements
  • make update-dependencies: Update dev requirements
  • make fix: Run code style and lint automatic fixes (where possible)
  • make test: Run test suite against system python version
  • make check: Run tests against all available python versions, code style and lint checks
  • make type, make format, make lint, make bandit: Run the relevant check
  • make docs: Render the mkdocs website locally
Extracted from project README
Stable Version stability-beta Python tests Maintainability Test Coverage Checked with mypy Ruff Code style: black security: bandit