
Exploring retweets by Twitter bot-nets.


This repository contains CSV data files that contain information for Twitter users who retweeted two tweets:

The theory being that briankrebs and benimmo's use of Twitter was being disrupted by a botnet that was retweeting their account and following them. The retweets were collected using this approach. With the JSON data in hand it was possible to generate CSVs which you see here. Twitter's terms of service don't allow the original JSON to be distributed in bulk to third parties, but they do allow CSVs to be made available, so those are here in this repository.

csvkit is handy for joining the CSVs to see what users retweeted both briankrebs and benimmo's tweets:

csvsql --query "select briankrebs.* from briankrebs, benimmo where briankrebs.screen_name = benimmo.screen_name" briankrebs.csv bennimo.csv > briankrebs_benimmo.csv
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