
making FSPS compatible libraries from C3K



Code here is for generating low-resolution spectra files for (python-)fsps, using the c3k library.


Resolution is specified in a yml file as tuples of (lambda_low, lambda_hi, R, usefft)

Note the c3k_v1.3 default resolutions are

  • 0.009micron - 0.0912micron; opacity binning with wavelength spacing lambda/Delta_lambda=4500
  • 0.09121micron - 2.5micron; opacity binning with wavelength spacing lambda/Delta_lambda=100000
  • 2.5micron - 40micron; opacity binning with wavelength spacing lambda/Delta_lambda=4500

Beyond 40 microns we stitch a Rayleigh-Jeans tail onto the spectra.


  1. Install. You should have FSPS already installed and $SPS_HOME environment variable set.

    cd $SCRATCH/conroy_lab/$USER
    git clone [email protected]:bd-j/c3k-fsps-lib.git
    cd c3k-fsps-lib
    module purge
    module load Anaconda3/2020.11
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    source activate c3k
    cd ..
  2. Check that all the relevant flux files are there

    for f in $fdir/*full*h5; do ls ${f/.full./.flux.}; done

    If they are not, then you need to make them using make_flux.py, driven by ody_flux.sh

  3. Make the low resolution SED H5 files, and the H5 files of the SEDs interpolated to the FSPS logt-logg gridpoints (based on BaSeL or, in new versions, c3k). Also make binary format versions for FSPS itself, and metadata files (wavelength, resolution, zlegend)

    cd jobs/
    libname=nirspec # name of the segments_<libname>.yml file
    sbatch --export=ALL,libname=${libname} --array=0-64 ody_resample.sh

    Note that you may wish to change the resampling here, the metallicities to consider, or the output filename and directory. The output names are given by the supplied libname and the metallicities to consider are specified in c3k_resample.py. The number of jobs in the array should be equal to the number of feh-afe pairs (usually 13 * N_afe)

    There are now several sets of binary files and ancillary files in the output/${libname}/for_fsps/ directory (by default) that can be moved to the $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K directory. By altering sps_vars.f90 you can choose to use these spectra.

  4. If you're me the output/${libname} directory should be copied to /n/holystore01/LABS/conroy_lab/Lab/bdjohnson/data/kurucz/${ck_vers}/fsps-lib/

    cd jobs/
    libname=nirspec # name of the segments_<libname>.yml file
    sbatch --export=ALL,libname=${libname} ody_copy.sh
  5. Implement in FSPS

    This depends a bit on what version of FSPS you have. Instructions her are for the 'older' FSPS. Assuming you have downloaded FSPS, the first thing to do is copy the relevant files to the FSPS repo. Note this changes version tracked files! The prefix also changes.

    cp <path/to/output/libname>/for_fsps/<prefix>*bin $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K/
    cp <path/to/output/libname>/for_fsps/<prefix>*dat $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K/
    cp <path/to/output/libname>/for_fsps/<prefix>_zlegend.dat $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K/zlegend.dat
    cp <path/to/output/libname>/for_fsps/<prefix>.wave $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K/<prefix>.lambda

    Then, you need to change the sps_vars.f90 code. You'll want to specify the the C3K library using the pre-compiler directives, and you'll need to change environment variables in the elif (C3K) block; the values for nzinit and nspec can be obtained by wc on the *.lambda and *_zlegend.dat files, and the spec_type variable (and its length!) could be changed to e.g. c3k_ns. Here's what the diff of sps_vars.f90 looks like with nz=11, nspec=13749 and a prefix of c3k_ns:

    @@ 7
    -#define MILES 1
    +#define MILES 0
    @@ 16
    -#define C3K 0
    +#define C3K 1
       @@ 239
       #elif (C3K)
          REAL(SP), PARAMETER :: zsol_spec = 0.0134
    -        CHARACTER(11), PARAMETER :: spec_type = 'c3k_afe+0.0'
    -        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nzinit=11
    -        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nspec=11149  !46666 !47378 !, 26500
    +        CHARACTER(6), PARAMETER :: spec_type = 'c3k_ns'
    +        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nzinit=11
    +        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nspec=13749

    You can now recompile fsps (cd $SPS_HOME/src; make clean; make all) and it should use the new C3K spectral library.

  6. Implement in python-fsps

    This requires a development install of python-fsps. You need to copy the files to $SPS_HOME as above. Then, after cloning the repo, you'll need to edit fsps/src/fsps/libfsps/src/sps_vars.f90 in the same way as described above. Finally, install with the C3K library selected. This looks like:

    cp <path/to/output/libname>/for_fsps/c3k_ns* $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K/
    cp <path/to/output/libname>/for_fsps/c3k_ns_zlegend.dat $SPS_HOME/SPECTRA/C3K/zlegend.dat
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/dfm/python-fsps.git
    <change python-fsps/fsps/src/fsps/libfsps/src/sps_vars.f90 as in step 5>
    cd python-fsps
    python -m pip uninstall fsps
    FFLAGS="-DMILES=0 -DC3K=1" python -m pip install .
  7. Test python-fsps implementation

    You can test that this worked by running a script in the test/ directory and looking at the output. (Make sure to do this the environment where you installed python-fsps above) . This may take some time, as the SSPs are regenerated several times.

    cd c3k-fsps/lib/tests
    python fsps_feature_demo.py
    open features.pdf

    You can also plot the grid for every metallicity and the corresponding isochrones with make_hrd.py

    It might also be instructive to compare the SSP spectra to another library (e.g. MILES)