
Cadence Detection in Symbolic Classical Music using Graph Neural Networks

MIT License



Cadence Detection in Symbolic Classical Music using Graph Neural Networks (ISMIR2022).


This repository contains the training and the models from the paper Cadence Detection in Symbolic Classical Music using Graph Neural Networks submitted at ISMIR 2022. pdf

Requirements and Installation


If you are using conda please install the environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cadet
cd path/to/cadet
pip install .

If this fails, follow the steps bellow.

Pre-installation requirements:

conda create -n cadet python=3.8 pip
conda activate cadet

Proceed by visiting the following websites and installing the appropriate version of the following packages.

  • Pytorch >=1.8.1 link;
  • DGL >= 0.7 link.

After the installation of Pytorch and DGL with the platform of your choice (pip and conda supported on this repo), you can install the rest of the requirements using the following commands:

  • To install other requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To install other requirement using conda:
conda env update -f environment.yml

You might also need to install the repo as a package if you are running from the terminal. It's suggested to use the experimental pip install to keep up with new versions or edits you might want to make:

pip install . -e

Getting Started

To run the pre-trained models you will need a wandb account. You can find the project results and download the models at Detection.

Train a model

cd cadet/train
python --dataset wtc --cad-type pac 

Using the above command you will train PAC detection on the Bach fugues of the 1st Welle tempered clavier book.

If you wish not to log your run with WANBD on the cloud then run:

WANDB_MODE=offline python --args

Load and train pre-trained model

cd cadet/train
python train_lightning --dataset wtc --cad-type pac --wandb_id --load_from_checkpoints 

Using the above command you will load a pretrained model for PAC detection, pretrained on String Quartets and fine tune it on the Bach fugues of the 1st Well tempered clavier book.

Reproduce results from pre-trained model

Load pretrained model from Bach Fugues PAC prediction and skip training only to reproduce results on the test set.

cd cadet/train
python train_lightning --dataset wtc --cad-type pac --wandb_id  --skip-training --load_from_checkpoints 

Create Graph from Score

To create the graphs from the score you will need to provide a directory of scores.

cd cadet/utils
python --data_dir 

External Repositories

An external repository is provided with the dataset which can also be found as a git sub-module

You can browse the latest version of the repository here.

Feature Extraction

The feature extraction includes three categories of featrures:

  • The General Note features
  • The graph topology features
  • The Cadence Relevant features

The topology features are produced by taking the $N$ first eigenvectors of the Laplacian of the Adjacency matrix. The script that produces this values can be find in cad/utils/ The complete list of the other features is presented below.

List of Features

The features are computed per note/rest in the score. Chord refers to the set of notes that have the same onset value as the current note.

Function Name Type Description
General Note Features
onset_feature.score_position float normalized onset between 0 and 1
duration_feature.duration float duration of notes in formalized value
fermata_feature.fermata binary If note has fermata
grace_feature.n_grace float How many grace notes on this onset position
grace_feature.grace_pos float Which grace note in the sequence of grace notes
onset_feature.onset float normalized onset feature
polynomial_pitch_feature.pitch float normalized midi pitch between 0 and 1
grace_feature.grace_note binary is grace note
relative_score_position_feature.score_position float
slur_feature.slur_incr float
slur_feature.slur_decr float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_1 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_2 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_3 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_4 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_5 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_6 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_7 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_8 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_9 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_10 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_11 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_12 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_num_other float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_den_1 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_den_2 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_den_4 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_den_8 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_den_16 float
time_signature_feature.time_signature_den_other float
vertical_neighbor_feature.n_total float
vertical_neighbor_feature.n_above float
vertical_neighbor_feature.n_below float
vertical_neighbor_feature.highest_pitch float
vertical_neighbor_feature.lowest_pitch float
vertical_neighbor_feature.pitch_range float
int_vec1 int first value of interval vector computed for all notes on the onset of the current one.
int_vec2 int second value of interval vector computed for all notes on the onset of the current one.
int_vec3 int third value of interval vector computed for all notes on the onset of the current one.
int_vec4 int fourth value of interval vector computed for all notes on the onset of the current one.
int_vec5 int fifth value of interval vector computed for all notes on the onset of the current one.
int_vec6 int sixth value of interval vector computed for all notes on the onset of the current one.
M/m binary is the interval vector equivalent to Major or Minor chord
sus4 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a sus4 chord
M7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a dominant 7 chord
M7wo5 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a dominant 7 chord without the 5th
Mmaj7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a major 7 chord
Mmaj7maj9 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a major 7 chord with major 9
M9 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a dominant chord with 9
M9wo5 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a dominant chord with 9 without the 5th
m7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a minor 7 chord
m7wo5 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a minor 7 chord without the 5th
m9 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a minor chord with a major 9
m9wo5 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a minor chord with a major 9 without the 5
m9wo7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a minor chord with a major 9 without the 7
mmaj7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a minor chord with a major 7
Maug binary is the interval vector equivalent to a augmented chord
Maug7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a augmented chord with 7
mdim binary is the interval vector equivalent to a diminshed chord
mdim7 binary is the interval vector equivalent to a diminshed chord with 7
is_maj_triad binary is the set of notes present on the onset of the current note a major triad
is_pmaj_triad binary is the set of notes present on the onset of the current note a perfect major triad
is_min_triad binary is the set of notes present on the onset of the current note a minor triad
ped_note binary is the current note a pedal note
hv_7 binary is the highest voice of the chord a 7 of the chord compared to the lowest pitch
hv_5 binary is the highest voice of the chord a 5 of the chord compared to the lowest pitch
hv_3 binary is the highest voice of the chord a 3 of the chord compared to the lowest pitch
hv_1 binary is the highest voice of the chord an octave of the chord compared to the lowest pitch
chord_has_2m binary does the chord have a 2m
chord_has_2M binary does the chord have a 2M
Cadence Features
perfect_triad binary is the chord a perfect triad
perfect_major_triad binary is the chord a perfect major
is_sus4 binary is the chord a sus4
in_perfect_triad_or_sus4 binary is the chord a perfect triad or a sus4
highest_is_3 binary is the highest voice a 3rd compared to the lowest on this onset
highest_is_1 binary is the highest voice a 8th compared to the lowest on this onset
bass_compatible_with_I binary is the bass compatible with the Tonal of the scale
bass_compatible_with_I_scale binary
one_comes_from_7 binary does the one (compared to the lowest voice) comes from a leading tone (compared to previous onset)
one_comes_from_1 binary was the one (compared to the lowest voice) present on the previous onset
one_comes_from_2 binary does the one (compared to the lowest voice) comes from a second (compared to previous onset)
three_comes_from_4 binary does the third (compared to the lowest voice) comes from a fourth (compared to previous onset)
five_comes_from_5 binary was the fifth (compared to the lowest voice) present on the previous onset
strong_beat binary is the current onset a strong beat
sustained_note binary is the current note a pedal note (more or equal to a bar's duration)
rest_highest binary is there a rest on the highest voice
rest_lowest binary is there a rest on any middle voice
rest_middle binary is there a rest on the lowest voice
voice_ends binary is there a voice end after the particular onset
v7 binary does the chord have a seventh
v7-3 binary does the chord have a seventh and a third
has_7 binary does the chord have a seventh
has_9 binary does the chord have a ninth
bass_voice binary is the bass on this voice/note
bass_moves_chromatic binary does the bass (lowest pitch) move chromatically
bass_moves_octave binary does the bass (lowest pitch) move with an octave jump
bass_compatible_v-i binary does the bass (lowest pitch) move with a V to I
bass_compatible_i-v binary does the bass (lowest pitch) move with a I to V
bass_moves_2M binary does the bass (lowest pitch) does the mass move with a second major interval.