
Unofficial API for generating beautiful images of your source code using Carbon.

LGPL-3.0 License


Carbon API [Unofficial]

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Carbon API written in Python using Flask and Pyppeteer

Carbon makes it easy to create and share beautiful images of your source code


You can use the API by sending a GET or a POST request using these params

parameter default type description
code (required) string Code snippet
backgroundColor "rgba(171, 184, 195, 1)" string Hex or rgba color
dropShadow true boolean Turn on/off shadow
dropShadowBlurRadius "68px" string shadow blur radius
dropShadowOffsetY "20px" string shadow offset y
exportSize "2x" string resolution of exported image, e.g. 1x, 3x
fontSize "14px" string font size
fontFamily "Hack" string font family, e.g. JetBrains Mono, Fira Code.
firstLineNumber 1 number first line number
language "auto" string programing language for properly highlighting
lineNumbers false boolean turn on/off line number
paddingHorizontal "56px" string horizontal padding
paddingVertical "56px" string vertical padding
theme "seti" string code theme
watermark false boolean turn on/off watermark
widthAdjustment true boolean turn on/off width adjustment
windowControls true boolean turn on/off window controls
windowTheme "none" string window theme


Params are encoded in url, 19, 254, 100)


Body is JSON with these params:

    "backgroundColor": "rgba(144, 19, 254, 100)",
    "code": "Made with Love in India by Sumanjay",
    "theme": "dracula"


Response is an image of a code or text snippet.

Deploy Option

  • Heroku Method

  • Other Method

    # Clone the repo
    git clone
    cd Carbon-API
    # Create virtualenv
    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
    # Install requirements
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    # Finally run the app

Made with in India

Copyright & License