
cat for sql dbs

MIT License



A cat for SQL databases. Show slices of a database in your console. Save them as .csv, .json, .sqlite, or .xlsx files.

Databases are read using SQLAlchemy. They are specified using database urls. Local .sqlite databases may be specified with their filename directly.

Also has an --edit option that will show the output in your default text editor. If you make any changes, they will be applied back to the original source.


pip install catsql

Make sure you install the python driver needed for your particular database.


catsql example.sqlite

Prints contents of entire database. Suitable for small databases.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --color green

Print row(s) with column color equal to green in any table. On large databases, it would be a good idea to specify the table(s) to look in, but on smaller databases it is convenient to let catsql figure that out. Tables without a column called color will be omitted from search.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --color green --sqlite slice.sqlite

Save rows with color equal to green in a local SQLite database. Any tables without a color column are ignored. Handy for doing follow-on SQL analysis offline.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --color green --excel slice.xlsx

Save rows with color equal to green in a local Excel-compatible spreadsheet.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --grep paul

Search for paul across the entire database. Search is done on the database server so only results are transmitted across network.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --table users

Print a single named table from the database. When the table is specified, a step of probing all tables in the database can be skipped, speeding things up.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --count

Prints number of rows in each table of the database. Suitable for medium size databases.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --limit 3

Print 3 rows from every table in the database. Suitable for medium databases.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --table users --id 20

Print row(s) with column id (or any other name) equal to 20 in the table called users. This is usable on large databases. The --id 20 filter can also be written as --value id=20. This form is useful for columns whose name collides with another parameter of catsql.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --table users --grep paul

Search all columns in the users table for the (case-insensitive) sequence paul. The search is done by a SQL query on the database server, but is nevertheless a relatively expensive operation - best for small to medium databases.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --grep paul --csv

Output strictly in csv format, useful for piping into other tools such as csvlook in the csvkit package.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --sql "total < 1000"

Return rows matching a SQL condition across entire database. Tables for whih the condition makes no sense are omitted. Can be combined with all other flags, such as specifying the table(s), column values, etc.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --table users --grep paul --edit

Edit whatever slice of the database you are viewing using your default $EDITOR. Only a single table can be edited at a time, since it is edited strictly in CSV format, which is a single-table format.

catsql $DATABASE_URL --column id,first_name

Show just the id and first_name columns of any tables that have both those columns.



usage: [-h] [--column COLUMN] [--count] [--csv] [--distinct] [--edit]
               [--grep GREP] [--json JSON] [--limit LIMIT] [--load-bookmark]
               [--output OUTPUT] [--safe-null] [--save-bookmark SAVE_BOOKMARK]
               [--sql SQL] [--table TABLE] [--terse] [--types] [--value VALUE]
               [--verbose] [--order ORDER]

Quickly display and edit a slice of a database.

positional arguments:
  catsql_database_url   Database url or filename. Examples: sqlite:///data.db,
                        postgres[ql]://user:pass@host/db, data.sqlite3

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --column COLUMN       Column to include (defaults to all columns). Can be a
                        comma separated list of multiple columns.
  --count               Show row counts instead of actual data.
  --csv                 Output strictly in CSV format. Only one table can be
  --distinct            Show distinct rows only, hiding duplicates.
  --edit                Edit original table in your favorite editor. Respects
                        $EDITOR environment variable.
  --excel EXCEL         Save results to an excel file.
  --grep GREP           Search cells for occurrence of a text fragment.
                        Translated to SQL query, performed by database.
  --json JSON           Save results to a json file. Only one table allowed.
  --limit LIMIT         Maximum number of rows per table.
  --load-bookmark       Load a set of filters from a file.
  --output OUTPUT       Save output to specified file. Incompatible with
  --safe-null           Encode nulls in a reversible way.
  --save-bookmark SAVE_BOOKMARK
                        Save the current set of filters specified to a file.
  --sql SQL             Add a raw SQL filter for rows to include. Example:
                        "total < 1000", "created_at > now() - interval '1
                        day'". Tables that don't have the columns mentioned
                        are omitted.
  --sqlite SQLITE       Save results to a sqlite file.
  --table TABLE         Table to include (defaults to all tables). Can be a
                        comma separated list of multiple tables.
  --terse               Hide any columns with predetermined values.
  --types               Show column types instead of actual data.
  --value VALUE         Add a column=value filter. Example:
                          --value id=ID --value name=Jupiter
                        As a shortcut you can also do:
                          --id ID --name Jupiter
  --verbose             Show raw SQL queries as they are made.
  --order ORDER         Columns to order by. Can be a comma separated list of
                        columns names. Add + or - to end of name to specify
                        ascending or descending order. Specify "none" to
                        disable ordering completely (by default we always try
                        to apply some order)
