
Deduplication of Celery tasks

MIT License


celery-dedupe Build Status

celery-dedupe is a project that aims to be a pluggable solution for deduplicating queued celery tasks. Only redis is supported as a storage backend for the moment.


from celery.task import task
from celery_dedupe import DedupeTask
from celery_dedupe.storage.redis import RedisStorage
from redis import StrictRedis

redis = StrictRedis()
storage = RedisStorage(redis, expiry=60)

@task(base=DedupeTask, storage=storage)
def noop_task(*a, **kw):
    return None

Caveats and things to watch out for

CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER can not return results

Any subsequent invocation of a task when CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER is set to True is unable to return an EagerResult object.

Unacknowledged tasks

Any unacked tasks will not be able to be requeued by usual means. Setting an expiry on the redis storage backend will allow you to work around this if it's not vital that multiple tasks are queued at once.

Manually purging your broker

If you need to manually consume tasks or completely purge your broker for whatever reason you'll need to remove the corresponding keys from your storage backend as well so that tasks can continue to run.

Tasks with ETAs, countdowns or retry delays

Any task with a delayed start time will prevent other tasks from running immediately. If a task retries many times with an exponential backoff this can be a long period of time. The key expiry on the redis backend can minimise the effect of this.

Unregistered tasks

If you somehow queue an unregistered task (most likely during development), you will not be able to requeue even when registered without clearing the lock from your storage backend