
Yandex DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot

APACHE-2.0 License


Certbot Plugin: Yandex DNS

Yandex DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot


Package provide certbot authenticator plugin for Yandex DNS (aka PDD) which allows to perform dns-01 probe. This kind of challange is the only way for now to issue wildcard certificates with certbot.

NOTE This plugin will not be requested to merge in certbot repo until like issues certbot/certbot#6464, certbot/certbot#6503, and certbot/certbot#6504 are solved first.


The easies way to install plugin is insllation the plugin directly from git with PIP.

pip install git+https://github.com/daskol/certbot-dns-yandex.git


There is nothing special to use the plugin for certificate management. Essentially, the only things one should do is explicitely specify authenticator with option -a of certbot. Credentials to plugin could be passed either with CLI option --dns-yandex-token or environment variable YANDEX_PDD_TOKEN. The env variable has higher priority then CLI option. See example below.

export YANDEX_PDD_TOKEN=<secret-token>
certbot certonly -a dns-yandex --dns-yandex-token <secret-token> ...


The package provides CLI yandex-dns for management DNS records in Yandex DNS from shell as well. As soon as the package installed one can list, add, or remove DNS records (several examples below).

# List DNS records for a domain.
yandex-dns ls example.org
# Remove domain by DNS record ID for a domain.
yandex-dns rm example.org 31513386
# Add TXT record to DNS for a domain.
yandex-dns add example.org TXT "Hello, world!" --subdomain greeting