
Cython helper for linear algebra with typed memoryviews built atop of Eigen C++ library

MIT License



Note: this software is not maintained since 2015.


Ceygen is a binary Python extension module for linear algebra with Cython_ typed memoryviews. Ceygen is built atop the Eigen C++ library. Ceygen is not a Cython wrapper or an interface to Eigen!

The name Ceygen is a rather poor wordplay on Cython + Eigen; it has nothing to do with software piracy. Ceygen is distributed under the MIT license_.

Cython was developed by Matěj Laitl with support from the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic_. Feel free to send me a mail to matej at laitl dot cz.

.. _Cython: http://cython.org/ .. _typed memoryviews: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/memoryviews.html .. _Eigen C++ library: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/ .. _MIT license: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/ .. _Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: http://www.utia.cas.cz/



  • is fast - Ceygen's primary raison d'être is to provide overhead-free algebraic
    operations for Cython projects that work with typed memoryviews_ (especially
    small-sized). For every function there is a code-path where no Python function is
    called, no memory is allocated on heap and no data is copied.
    Eigen itself performs rather well_, too.
  • is documented - see Documentation_ or hop directly to on-line docs_.
  • supports various data types - Ceygen uses Cython fused types_ (a.k.a. wannabe
    templates) along with Eigen's template nature to support various data types without
    duplicating code. While just a few types are pre-defined (float, double, ...), adding
    a new type is a matter of adding 3 lines and rebuilding Ceygen.
  • is extensively tested - Ceygen's test suite validates every its public method,
    including errors raised on invalid input. Thanks to Travis CI, every push is automatically tested_ against Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3.
  • is multithreading-friendly - Every Ceygen function doesn't acquire the GIL_
    unless it needs to create a Python object (always avoidable); all functions are
    declared nogil_ so that you can call them in prange_ blocks without losing parallelism.
  • provides descriptive error messages - Care is taken to propagate all errors
    properly (down from Eigen) so that you are not stuck debugging your program. Ceygen
    functions don't crash on invalid input but rather raise reasonable errors.
  • works well with NumPy_, but doesn't depend on it. You don't need NumPy to build or run
    Ceygen, but thanks to Cython, Cython memoryviews and NumPy arrays_ are fully
    interchangeable without copying the data (where it is possible). The test suite
    currently makes use of NumPy because of our laziness. :-)

.. _Eigen itself performs rather well: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Benchmark .. _on-line docs: http://strohel.github.com/Ceygen-doc/ .. _fused types: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/fusedtypes.html .. _every push is automatically tested: https://travis-ci.org/strohel/Ceygen .. _GIL: http://docs.python.org/glossary.html#term-global-interpreter-lock .. _nogil: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/external_C_code.html#declaring-a-function-as-callable-without-the-gil .. _prange: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/parallelism.html .. _NumPy: http://www.numpy.org/ .. _Cython memoryviews and NumPy arrays: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/memoryviews.html#coercion-to-numpy

On the other hand, Ceygen...

  • depends on Eigen build-time. Ceygen expects Eigen 3 headers to be installed under
    /usr/lib/eigen3 when it is being built. Installing Eigen is a matter of unpacking
    it, because it is a pure template library defined solely in the headers. Ceygen doesn't
    reference Eigen at all at runtime because all code is complited in.
  • still provides a very little subset of Eigen functionality. We add new functions
    only as we need them in another projects, but we believe that the hard part is the
    infrastructure - implementing a new function should be rather straightforward (with
    decent Cython and C++ knowledge). We're very open to pull requests!
    (do include unit tests in them)
  • needs recent Cython (currently at least 0.19.1) to compile. If this is a problem,
    you can distribute .cpp files or final Python extension module instead.
  • doesn't bring Eigen's elegance to Cython - if you think of lazy evaluation and
    advanced expessions, stop dreaming. Ceygen will make your code faster, not nicer.
    Array expessions_ will help here.

.. _Array expessions: https://github.com/cython/cython/pull/144

A simple example to compute matrix product within a big matrix may look like

cdef double[:, :] big = np.array([[1., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0.], [3., 4., 0., -2., 0., 0.]]) ceygen.core.dot_mm(big[:, 0:2], big[:, 2:4], big[:, 4:6]) [[ 2. -4.] [ 6. -8.]] big [[ 1. 2. 2. 0. 2. -4.] [ 3. 4. 0. -2. 6. -8.]],

where the dot_mm_ call above doesn't copy any data, allocates no memory on heap, doesn't need the GIL_ and uses vectorization (SSE, AltiVec...) to get the best out of your processor.

.. _dot_mm: http://strohel.github.com/Ceygen-doc/core.html#ceygen.core.dot_mm


Ceygen development happens in its github repository, git clone [email protected]:strohel/Ceygen.git -ing is the preferred way to get it as you'll have the latest & greatest version (which shouldn't break thanks to continuous integration). Released versions are available from Ceygen's PyPI page.

.. _its github repository: https://github.com/strohel/Ceygen .. _Ceygen's PyPI page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Ceygen


Ceygen uses standard Distutils to build, test and install itself, simply run:

  • python setup.py build to build Ceygen
  • python setup.py test to test it (inside build directory)
  • python setup.py install to install it
  • python setup.py clean to clean generated object, .cpp and .html files (perhaps to
    force recompilation)

Commands can be combined, automatically call dependent commands and can take options, the recommended combo to safely install Ceygen is therefore python setup.py -v test install.

Building Options

You can set various build options as it is usual with distutils, see python setup.py --help. Notable is the build_ext command and its --include-dirs (standard) and following additional options (whose are Ceygen extensions):

--include-dirs defaults to /usr/include/eigen3 and must be specified if you've installed Eigen 3 to a non-standard directory,

--cflags defaults to -O2 -march=native -fopenmp. Please note that it is important to enable optimizations and generation of appropriate MMX/SSE/altivec-enabled code as the actual computation code from Eigen is built along with the boilerplate Ceygen code,

--ldflags additional flags to pass to linker, defaults to -fopenmp. Use standard --libraries for specifying extra libraries to link against,

--annotate pass --annotate to Cython to produce annotated HTML files during compiling. Only useful during Ceygen development.

You may want to remove -fopenmp from cflags and ldflags if you are already parallelising above Ceygen. The resulting command could look like python setup.py -v build_ext --include-dirs=/usr/local/include/eigen3 --cflags="-O3 -march=core2" --ldflags= test. The same could be achieved by putting the options to a setup.cfg file::

[build_ext] include_dirs = /usr/local/include/eigen3 cflags = -O3 -march=core2 ldflags =


Ceygen documentation is maintained in reStructuredText_ format under doc/ directory and can be exported into a variety of formats using Sphinx_ (version at least 1.0 needed). Just type make in that directory to see a list of supported formats and for example make html to build HTML pages with the documentation.

See ChangeLog.rst file for changes between versions or view it online_.

On-line documentation is available at http://strohel.github.com/Ceygen-doc/

.. _reStructuredText: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/ .. _view it online: http://strohel.github.com/Ceygen-doc/ChangeLog.html


Please report any bugs you find and suggestions you may have to Ceygen's github Issue Tracker_.

.. _Ceygen's github Issue Tracker: https://github.com/strohel/Ceygen/issues