
Chainer implementation of InfoGAN



Chainer implementations of InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets

MNIST Latent Codes

  • c1 ~ Cat(K = 10, p = 0.1)
  • c2 ~ Unif(-1, 1)
  • c3 ~ Unif(-1, 1)

10 categorical and 2 continuous codes are sampled and concatenated with 62 noise variables z and then fed into a generator. Following are sample images created by a generator trained over 100 epochs on the MNIST training dataset consisting of 60000 samples.

c1 - 10 Categorical

Each row shows 10 random images generated from the same one-hot categorical vector. K = 10 and hence such 10 rows, one for each categorical code. The network learns the latent representations of the 10 different digits with some exceptions such as the digit 1.

c2 - Continuous, Interpolation

Interpolating over c2 shows that the network learns to distinguish the width of the digit.

c3 - Continuous, Interpolation

Interpolating over c3 shows that the network learns the orientations.



python --out-generator-filename ./trained/generator.model --gpu 0