
Graphite check command for Nagios. Written in Python. Can handle HTTP auth.



Super-basic Graphite check for Nagios. Will return CRITICAL if the Graphite host is inaccessible. Can handle HTTP auth.


./check_graphite        [-h] --host HOST --metric METRIC
                        --critical CRITICAL
                        [--warning WARNING] [--invert]
                        [--duration DURATION]
                        [--function {average,max,min,sum}]
                        [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                        [--grafana {True,False}]
                        [--datasourceid DATASOURCEID]
                        [--authkey AUTHKEY]

optional arguments:
    -h, --help              show this help message and exit
    --host HOST, -o HOST    Graphite host, e.g.,
                  , graphite01:8080
    --metric METRIC, -m METRIC
                            Metric to check, e.g. web01.processes.fork_rate
    --critical CRITICAL, -c CRITICAL
                            Critical threshold, e.g. 1.0, 3G
    --warning WARNING, -w WARNING
                            Warning threshold, e.g. -1.1k, 20
    --invert, -i            Invert the check so that an alert is triggered if the
                            value falls below the threshold. Invert is implied if
                            warning threshold > critical threshold
    --duration DURATION, -d DURATION
                            Number of minutes of data to aggregate
    --function {average,max,min,sum}, -f {average,max,min,sum}
                            The aggregation function to apply to the time series
    --user USER, -u USER  HTTP auth user
    --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                            HTTP auth password
    --grafana {True,False}, -g {True,False}
                            use grafana datasource proxy
    --datasourceid DATASOURCEID, -x DATASOURCEID
                            Grafana datasource id
    --authkey AUTHKEY, -a AUTHKEY
                            Grafana Authorization Key

Example Nagios commands:

define command {
    command_name    check_graphite
    command_line    $USER1$/check_graphite --host graphite.mydomain:8008 --metric "$ARG1$" --critical $ARG2$ --warning $ARG3$ --user me --password changeme123 2>&1

define command {
    command_name    check_graphite_grafana
    command_line    $USER1$/check_graphite --host graphite.mydomain:8008 --metric "$ARG1$" --critical $ARG2$ --warning $ARG3$ --grafana --datasourceid 23 --authkey 12345ABSCD 2>&1

Example Nagios services:

define service {
    service_description    web01 load average
    host_name              web01.mydomain
    check_command          check_graphite!web01.load.load.shortterm!2.0!1.5

define service {
    service_description    web01 load average
    host_name              web01.mydomain
    check_command          check_graphite_grafana!web01.load.load.shortterm!2.0!1.5