
Helper library for OAuth2 in command-line tools

APACHE-2.0 License


CLI OAuth2

This Python library help command-line tool authors to use OAuth2 services. Built using requests-oauthlib with parts of google_auth_oauthlib.


pip install cli-oauth2


Before using OAuth2, you must obtain a Client ID and Client Secret by registering an application with the provider. For example, for OpenStreetMapAuth, register an application here. Important: set the redirect URI of the application to

Then do something like this:

from oauthcli import OpenStreetMapAuth

auth = OpenStreetMapAuth(
    client_id, client_secret, ['read_prefs']
).auth_server(token_test=lambda r: r.get('user/details'))

data = auth.get('user/details.json')
if data.status_code != 200:
    print(f'Error {data.status_code}: {data.text})')
    print(f'Hello, {data.json()["user"]["display_name"]}')

Tokens are saved to disk, so subsequent runs won't require authorization.

Auth objects have these methods and properties:

  • auth_server() opens a web browser and catches the response by
    starting a local server.
  • auth_code() opens a web browser and expected a user to copy the code
    presented by the provider. It uses urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob redirect uri.
  • authorized returns whether there is an active access token.
  • get, post etc call the relevant requests methods, but often shadow
    the server name. See the example above.
  • session is the underlying OAuth2Session object.

There are some predefined providers:

  • OpenStreetMapAuth
  • OpenStreetMapDevAuth
  • GoogleAuth
  • GitHubAuth
  • MastodonAuth (requires a server parameter)
  • RedditAuth
  • FacebookAuth
  • LinkedInAuth

Note that only OSM and GitHub providers were tested. I welcome pull requests with fixes.

If you need to use another provider, just subclass AuthFlow and pass it provider_id (the key for the stored token map), OAuth2Session(client_id, scope=scopes), auth_url, token_url, and client_secret.


The tool stores tokens in a json in the configuration directory. To clean some or all tokens, use the oauthclean command-line tool.

Author and License

Written by Ilya Zverev, published under Apache License 2.0.

Contains portions of google_auth_oauthlib as of commit 1a9dca889357b93bdad17d75a28ac81e3ba6067f, published under Apache License 2.0.