
A cms plugin which extends and replaces the text plugin shipped with django-cms with simple wrapper functionalities.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



A Django CMS plugin which extends and replaces the shipped text plugin with simple wrapper functionalities.

DjangoCMS >=3.0 users

In DjangoCMS >= 3.0 this plugin is deprecated. Instead please use, which is more flexible and offers many more features.


This plugin adds a simple wrapping functionality to the text plugin shipped with django-cms. By adding this plugin, an editor may optionally choose a predefined wrapper, which is rendered as template around the current content. This is especially useful when working with predefined grids such as

This plugin is fully compatible with the default text plugin and offers all of the current functionality. It shall therefore be used to replace the default text plugin. It works together with both, the WYEditor as well as with the TinyMCE editor.


  • Django >= 1.3
  • django-cms >= 2.3
  • South >= 0.7


add the plugin to INSTALLED_APPS::

    'cmsplugin_text_wrapper',  # alternative to 'cms.plugins.text'

and remove 'cms.plugins.text' from INSTALLED_APPS if configured.

Then run migrate cmsplugin_text_wrapper to update your database table cmsplugin_text. This adds a column named wrapper and keeps everything caompatible.

In case you set up a new instance of DjangoCMS, the migration scripts will look for a table named cmsplugin_text and if it does not exists, create it.

Restart your application. You may use all your text fields in exactly as before. They then are marked for not using any wrapper and are rendered as before.


In your add a tuple of tuples such as::

    ('<wrapper name>', {
        'render_template': '<template name>',
        'extra_context': <a dictionary with extra context to render the template>

<wrapper name> is a unique name to identify the wrapper. The second part of each wrappers tuple contains a directory with the following keys:

render_template is the name of the template to be used when rendering the content of this text plugin. This template can contain some optional html tags but must contain the following template variable::

{{ body|safe }}

which is replaced by the editors content.

If render_template is missing, the content of this text plugin is rendered in the same way, as the default text plugin renders its content.

extra_context is an optional dictionary containing any kind of data. The context used to render the template is populated with this extra context.

This plugin does not change the admin interface, except for a pull down box on top of the text editor. Using the default value is perfectly legal, in this case the text wrapper plugin behaves exactly as the default text plugin as shipped with django-cms.

The 960 pixel grid system

One of the most widespread grid system is named This plugin interacts nicely with this grid system, but does not depend on it. This documentation shows how to integrate this plugin with the, but it might also work perfectly well with Twitter Bootstrap.

The problem with the shipped text plugin is that an editor can add text, images, etc. to a placeholder, but he gains no control over the layout of the given container. Often this is desired behavior to enforce a consistent layout, but sometimes it is annoying, since too many specialized templates have to be created.

Say, an editor wants to use the 960 Grid System with 12 columns. Now for for each possible combinations of rows and colums, a special template must be created. This can result in a template such as::

<div class="container_12">
    <div class="grid_9">{% placeholder "g1" %}</div><div class="grid_3">{% placeholder "g2" %}</div>
    <div class="grid_6">{% placeholder "g3" %}</div><div class="grid_6">{% placeholder "g4" %}</div>
    <div class="grid_4">{% placeholder "g5" %}</div><div class="grid_4">{% placeholder "g6" %}</div><div class="grid_4">{% placeholder "g7" %}</div>

Here each grid-div gets its own placeholder. If an editor needs many similar layouts such as the one shown above, it can be hard to maintain all possible combinations of rows and columns.

This cmsplugin-text-wrapper gives an editor of a CMS page a flexible and clean way to add as many different rows, with as many different columns as he wishes. Each of these columns can have their own widths.

If this grid system is enforced, the editor gains control over certain parts of the layout without having to fiddle with div tags nor snippets.

Download the files reset.css, text.css and 960.css from and add them to your stylesheets.

In your templates directory, create a template named container-12.html::

... other stuff goes here
<div class="container_12">
    {% placeholder "Container Content" %}
... more stuff goes here

and add it to your CMS_TEMPLATES tuple.

In your templates directory, create another template named grid.html::

<div class="{{ grid_class }} {{extra_classes}}">
    {{ body|safe }}

and add it in different configurations to your CMS_TEXT_WRAPPERS tuples::

    ('Grid 3', {
        'render_template': 'grid.html',
        'extra_context': {'grid_class': 'grid_3'}
    ('Grid 6', {
        'render_template': 'grid.html',
        'extra_context': {'grid_class': 'grid_6'}
    ('Grid 12', {
        'render_template': 'grid.html',
        'extra_context': {'grid_class': 'grid_12'}
    ... and more ...
CMS_TEXT_WRAPPER_CLASSES = ('alpha', 'omega',)

Now, after choosing a plugin of type Text in the CMS admin backend, two additionals fields are added. The first is a select box labeled Wrap into where the editor can choose one of the grids. The second is a list of checkboxes, one for each wrapper classes.

Version history

  • 0.5: final release which could replace cmsplugin-text seamlessly.
  • 0.6: added a MultipleSelectField to add extra classes to the wrapper.

Related plugins which works in a similar way as cmsplugin-text-wrapper: ...........................................................................


Download from .

text-plugin-ng is not intended to replace the default text plugin. It is an add on to the text plugin as shipped with Django CMS and is not compatible with it. Therefore an editor gets a choice of two text plugin, the one shipped with Django CMS and cmsplugin-text-ng. For each placeholder he then has to choose from one of those two.

Additionally the editor has to maintain two extra tables with named templates.


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django-cms-columns offers support for the grid systems YAML and Blueprint in the form of built in templates.

It does not seem to be supported any more.