
GPL-3.0 License



ColorFight is a game where you try to occupy as many cells as possible on the map.

This is the server code.

Website for the game

Python API and example AI

Admin guide

The admin for the game is at

You need to input the admin password to restart the game. Normally just leave it blank. This is a privilege information for the server owner.

You can set:

  • Game Time, the total game time in seconds.

  • Join Time, the time when users are allowed to join after the game starts, in seco nds.

  • Start Delay Time, so you have a fancy count down for the offical game, in seconds

  • AI Only, whether manual join is allowed in the game

You should always use Restart Game rather than Create Game except for the very first time after you create the server.

Installation guide

If you want to fork and build your own colorfight server on heroku, here's what you need to do.

  • Get a heroku account. Bind a credit card to verify the account.

  • Create an app in your heroku account, name it anything(my-colorfight for example).

  • Fork this repo, clone to your local machine.

  • Link the repo to the heroku app with heroku git:remote -a my-colorfight

  • Create the addons. You need Heroku Postgres heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev and Redis Cloud heroku addons:create rediscloud:30.(These are both free addons for a verified account)

  • Run heroku config to verify that you have two environment variables for heroku DATABASE_URL and REDISCLOUD_URL.

  • You need some extra settings to make it work.

    • heroku config:set ADMIN_PASSWORD= sets the admin password to restart the game. You should probably set this for an official game otherwise anyone can restart your game when it's on going.

    • heroku config:set GAME_FEATURE='{"base":true, "gold":true, "energy":true, "boost":true, "blast":true, "multiattack":true}' sets the feature in the game. This will allow you to change the features in enviroment variable instead of changing the code.

    • (Optional) heroku config:set GAME_REFRESH_INTERVAL= sets the interval for game refresh. The smaller this value is, the more frequently the game will calculate everything, thus slower your server will be. The default value is 0.1.

  • You need to change the server address in some js files to point it to your own server.

    • static/color.js

    • static/admin.js

  • Push the repo to heroku git push heroku master (Notice, if you are not pushing the master branch to heroku, heroku forces you to explicitly label it. ```git push heroku my-branch:master)

  • Go to your website's admin page, do a Create Game, this may takes several seconds.

  • Enjoy the game.