
Opinionated Qt for Python Light/Dark Theme Toggler

MIT License



Opinionated PySide6 Light/Dark Theme Toggler. Oh wait yet another Qt for Python PySide6 light/dark theme package? Yes it is!

ATTENTION: This package is designed with writing/deploying standalone PySide6 application in mind.


  1. Custom QMainWindow widget with built-in light/dark mode toggler. Connect the toggle_theme function to QtWidgets
    callback function and you're done.
  2. Very simple package (for now). Not bloated from trying to cater various Qt for Python packages.

Getting Started

Last tested with Python 3.10+ but any Python version that PySide6 supports. Highly recommend using virtual environment when testing/implementing this.

Install using pip

pip install Comel

Cloning this repo

Clone this repo and copy the comel package into your project. Ensure both darkdetect and PySide6 is installed in your Python environment.


Import ComelMainWindowWrapper class and connect toggle_theme to a widget action. That's it!

Refer to examples directory for for boilerplate code or for a typical PySide app written from scratch without using Qt Designer.

Custom Widgets

There is CCheckBox and CRadioButton which uses custom icons and size override. Using the regular QCheckBox and QRadioButton will result in bigger than usual size as it displays the 32x32 size icon image.


# Barebone app
python examples/

# Takusan app
python examples/

# Run this for normal and disabled state comparison 
python examples/

Customizing Qt Style Sheets (QSS)

Refer to for examples on the correct CSS selectors. Search on Stack Overflow/Qt Forum/etc if you cannot find the specific CSS selectors.

  1. Edit base.qss and with the relevant variable and color.
  2. Run to generate light.qss and dark.qss located in qss/themes and comel/themes folder.

Known Issues

  1. The default Qt arrow icons does not play nicely when using Qt Style Sheets. While there is a way to bundle custom
    icons, I'm not fancy with the extra steps needed to compile Qt .qrc into Python file. I might create wrapper class
    for the affected widgets in future updates.
  2. This library does not cover every single widget styles. Create an issue if you encounter a widget that is missing
    either light or dark styling.
  3. QMdiArea and QMdiSubWindow is missing the window resize handle after applying Comel stylesheets. Suspecting
    one of the selector override to be the root cause.

Why Comel?

Qt is pronounced as "cute". Comel means cute in Bahasa Melayu aka Malay language. Also, the name of my childhood cat.


  • Uses darkdetect for detecting the operating system dark mode.
  • Uses icons from Icons8.
  • Special thanks to izzthedude for experimenting with this idea.