
Optimize ergonomics, security, and productivity: vim/neovim, zsh, tmux, i3, emacs, vscode, ipython, jupyter, ranger, fzf, kitty, xkb, quantself, systemd, etc

MIT License


Public config repo

This repo contains config files (commonly called dotfiles) targeting Linux and WSL. It is my humble attempt to optimize ergonomics, security, and productivity. No doubt that I spent too much time micro-optimizing them, and I still have a psychotic urge to keep improving them. Hopefully, I'll be able to recover one day.

Feel free to steal anything that seems useful to you. That said, you shouldn't blindly copy stuff because:

  • I only test this repo on my machines so some things may be catastrophically
    broken for you
  • Some config/scripts rely on git repos I haven't published publicly yet
  • Some bits of my setup is highly optimized for my own taste and you will
    probably hate it

In addition, I provide absolutely no backward compatibility guarantees, and I sometimes fully reset the git history and start from scratch (though that will hopefully stop once this repo is more stable).

Specific configs that may be more interesting for you: vim, tmux, zsh, vscode, ipython, ranger, i3, bash, and probably others I forgot.

Coding guidelines


  • Don't split large files just for the sake of organization: it's usually better
    to do the organization within the file (using functions, etc). Good reasons
    for splitting files include:
    • There are use cases that require only using part of the file. For example,
      my shell configuration has separate files for defining functions and aliases
      ( and for terminal settings (, since I have a
      use case where only the former is needed (parsing shell aliases from
      IPython). In this case, using the same file for both would add cognitive
      burden when working on the IPython config and make the code uglier with
    • Modularization and controlling internal dependencies. For example, if a
      large part of a file contains one public function that's used by other
      parts, and many private utility functions that are used only for
      implementing this public function, separating this public function and all
      its dependencies into a separate file can clarify the dependencies and
      reduce cognitive load.
    • Editors start crawling. As of 2020-05-06, I ran into issues with my vim
      config in files that have more than 1000 lines. It seems that vim plugin
      authors don't test or care about performance in these files much, and the
      situation may be similar in other editors.
  • Lazy load and/or async load as much as possible to make startup time fast.
  • Try to use native configuration facilities (conditionals, etc) for settings
    that differ between hosts. Resort to separate files only if necessary.
  • Prefer Python over Bash for complex scripts (general rule of thumb: more than
    100 LOC).
  • Don't use Python for tools that should launch fast (less than 100ms). Prefer
    Go in this case. For example,
    i3-workspace-groups was
    written in Python, which causes some operations to have noticeable latency.
  • Code copied from an external source should have a comment with a URL to the
  • Directories that may contain python code should be named with underscores and
    not dashes, because python can't import from directories with underscores.
  • Executable files should be named using dashes to separate words, not
    underscores, i.e. my-tool and not my_tool. They should also have no file
  • Importable files (Python or bash libraries, for example) should be named using
    underscores and have a file extension (.sh for shell scripts, .py for
    Python, etc.).


I roughly follow Google's style guide with the following additions:

  1. "Constants" should be named LIKE_THIS ("constants" is quoted because there
    aren't enforced constants in vim, this is only a convention).
  2. There's no need to define a addon-info.json for plugins since it's rarely
    used by plugins.
  3. There's no need to put commands, mappings, and autocommands in separate
    files, since I don't see any benefit in doing so.

Shell: Bash and Zsh

Many scripts in this repo are written in bash and zsh. In order to make the code easier to manage, I try to follow the Google Style Guide along with the following additions:

  1. Bash scripts start with a #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang.

  2. Functions that are private to the script and are not intended to be exported should have a leading underscore, for example _my_func. Functions that are exported from a script should never have a leading underscore, (i.e. my_func, not _my_func).

  3. printf '%s\n' "${var}" is preferred over echo "${var}" because the latter can interpret escape sequences (such as \b). However, printing string literals with not special chars is fine and shorter (echo 'message').

  4. All scripts should pass shellcheck with no warnings or errors.

  5. Single quotes are preferred over double quotes when substitution is not used.

  6. Functions should not use the function keyword and should generally use underscores to separate words, unless they're interactive shell functions that are expected to be extracted to their own executable, in which case they can use dashes.

  7. "Library scripts" (intended to be sourced from other scripts) should always use underscores in the filenames and end with a .sh filename extension, while "executable scripts" should always use dashes and without a filename extension.

  8. Files are structured as following:

    1. Shebang line (if the script is executable)
    2. Script documentation, separated from the shebang with an empty line
    3. Setting error handling options
    4. Setting ${REPO_ROOT} and other constants
    5. Sourcing other scripts
    6. Defining functions
    7. Defining a main function
    8. Calling main


    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # This script does XYZ. Usage:
    #   my_script <arg> [opt_arg]
    # See
    set -o errexit -o errtrace -o nounset -o pipefail
    # shellcheck disable=SC2155
    readonly REPO_ROOT="$([[ ${CONFIG_GET_ROOT:-0} == 1 ]] && config-repo-root "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" || echo "${HOME}")"
    readonly OTHER_CONST=3
    # shellcheck source=../../.my_scripts/lib/
    source -- "${REPO_ROOT}/.my_scripts/lib/"
    _private_func() {
      echo 'This is a private function'
    main() {
      printf 'Called main with args: %s\n' "$*"
    main "$@"

Note that old scripts may not conform to this style yet.