
Start a django project using a cookiecutter


Simple Django cookiecutter

This cookiecutter has LDAP authentication configured - if you don't want it you need to remove the lines

from .ldap_conf import *

from settings/

Other things that are used (and configured except the LDAP auth):

  • Three different environments (dev - uat - prod) with different requirements and settings for each
  • django-tables2 for nice tables
  • django-filters for nice qs filtering
  • django-crispy-forms for nice forms
  • django-debug-toolbar configured for dev env
  • django-reversion to enable change auditing
  • django-compressor to combine and compress your static assets
  • django-extensions to enable some useful functionality
  • Werkzeug to run the dev server
  • Custom User model with login/logout pages
  • Bootstrap 5 templates
  • Usage of thread locals to retrieve request (and user)
  • An abstract model that saves created/modified datetime and user.

I have some scripts to help me on Windows - but should work anywhere. The scripts are:

  • dovenv.bat to enable the virtualenv and correctly set the settings (to the dev env ones)
  • dj.bat to run python command (i.e run dj migrate for applying migrations)
  • rsp.bat to run the runserver_plus command
  • test.bat to run the test suite


Install cookiecutter ( to your global python packages (or the virtualenv you are going to create -- also checkout my post @ for using python 2 and 3 on windows). Then, activate your venv and run cookiecutter with this repo, i.e

mkdir parent_folder
cd parent_folder
py -3 -m venv venv 
pip install cookiecutter

Now answer the questions - the most important is the project name (i.e project name) - it will dump your project there:

cd project_name
pip install -r requirements\dev.txt

If you see ldap-related errors then install correct version of python-ldap from (download it and run pip install python_ldap-xxx.whl) - then run again pip install -r requrements\dev.txt).

If you see rcssmin related errors then install it like this: pip install -U rcssmin --install-option="--without-c-extensions"

Project is ready - from the same directory (where you run dovenv.bat) run the following to also create your git repo (a proper .gitignore is alreadt provided courtesy of and some additions of mine):

git init
git add -A
git commit
git remote add origin http://...
git push origin master

Now you can run the migrations, create your superuser and run the dev server:

dj migrate
dj createsuperuser

Please notice that this project has been configured for usage in Greece. If you want to convert it to your language you should probably change the LANGUAGE_CODE and TIMEZONE in and make some small changes to the templates.

The fabric situation

Please notice that I've included a fabric 1.x script for e-z deploy. For reasons that I don't want to explain here I won't support fabric 2.x. To use that fabric script you'll need to use the life saving fab-classic project ( that is a fork of fabric 1.x properly supporting ypthon 3.x! This dependency is already installed with the requirements/dev.txt.

Removing LDAP

If you don't want to use LDAP remove the ldap-related requirements from requirements/base.txt, remove the file from settings, remove the line importing ldap_conf from settings/ and either change your AUTHENTICATION_BACKEDS to your liking or completely remove that line from and to fallback to model authentication.