
Yet another wsgi framework. Pretty minimalist.

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



I wanted a framework that was based around routes and webob without opinionation about database and templating.

Some of the specifics of this are inspired/copied from:

This framework intentionally lacks features that will be found in other frameworks, such as authentication, session management or CSRF protection. Features that are not implemented are skipped because it is felt that they can adequately be taken care of with WSGI middleware placed in front of corker and there are either good implementations, or they seem trivial. Additiomally, it is possible that I'm not adequarelt aware of or convinced of the features. Thoughts and recommendations on gaining those features will be documented in the file. If you still have questions or think I'm wrong, please feel free to email me or open an issue.


pip install corker


The basics are that you create controllers (classes that subclass BaseController). In a controller, you label methods with the @route decorator to expose them. You then invoke your controller's setup_routes method (inheritted from BaseController), passing it a routes mapper to add itself to. Then, to create the actual wsgi app, you create an Application and pass it the mapper.

In a controller, self.request gives you the current WebOb request object. The controller can return a string containing HTML (in which case it will be given a status code of 200), or a WebOb response object. Additionally, it is safe to raise any WebOb exception.

On an exposed method, the arguments (after self) are from routes positional/regex arguments. GET and POST arguments are accessed via self.request.

The arguments for the @route decorator largely match the arguments for route's mapper.connect method. The decorated method is automatically used as the action argument to mapper.connect and all other arguments to @route are passed through to mapper.connect as is.

Arguments passed to Application after the mapper are inserted into controllers with the same name. So, is the Application was instantiated with Application(mapper, x=5), then in an exposed method on the controller, self.x == 5 would be True.


from routes import Mapper

from corker.controller import BaseController, route
from import Application
from webob import Response

class Index(BaseController):
    def index(self, request):
        return 'Hi index!\n'

    def view(self, request, item):
        return 'Hi view %d!\n' % int(item)

class Sub(BaseController):
    def __init__(self, request, arg1):
        self.request = request
        self.arg1 = arg1

    def index(self, request):
        return Response('Hi sub!\n' + self.arg1)

mapper = Mapper()
with mapper.submapper(path_prefix='/sub') as sub:
  Sub.setup_routes(sub, config={"arg1": "arg string"})

example_app = Application(mapper)

# At that point `example_app` is a wsgi app ready to be mounted by the
# server of your choice.  For example with `wsgiref`:

from wsgiref.util import setup_testing_defaults
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

httpd = make_server('', 8000, example_app)
print "Serving on port 8000..."

Bugs/Feature Requests

See github issues.


This is distributed as BSD. Copyright Joshua D. Boyd