
Vim plugin to highlight Python source code lines that lack test coverage

MIT License



Vim plugin to highlight source code lines that lack test coverage.

.. image:: screenshot.png :alt: Screenshot

Currently supports only these Python coverage tracking tools:

  • <>_
  • <>_ (obsolete)


  1. Generate some coverage data (a .coverage file) by running your tests with coverage run (or by using the appropriate test runner plugin).

  2. Open a source file in vim

  3. :HighlightCoverage


:HighlightCoverage Highlight untested source code lines.

Tries to find the corresponding coverage report by looking for
files named ``.coverage`` here (or in parent directories).

Also looks for looking for files named ``coverage/<module>.report``
to support ```` reports, which are produced by zope.testrunner
if you specify ``--coverage=coverage``.

:HighlightCoverage NN-NN,NN-NN,NN,... Highlight the specified source code lines and ranges.

The format matches that produced by ``coverage report -m``, so you
can copy & paste the ranges to the Vim command line from a web page,
instead of having to hunt down and download ``.coverage`` files.

:HighlightCoverage .report Highlight untested source code lines from a report.

Report files are just source code files indented with the number of
executions or '>>>>>>' for uncovered lines prepended at the left

:HighlightCoverageForAll Highlight untested source lines for all files mentioned in the coverage report.

Only works with ```` reports.

Skips files not currently loaded into buffers, due to a limitation of Vim.

:HighlightCoverageOff Turns off coverage highlighting

:ToggleCoverage Toggles coverage highlighting on and off

:NextUncovered Jump to the next uncovered range of source lines

:PrevUncovered Jump to the previous uncovered range of source lines


g:coverage_script Default: "" (which means autodetect)

Name of the script that can produce reports. Example::

    let g:coverage_script = 'python3 -m coverage'

By default it looks for ``coverage`` in your PATH, and if not found,
it looks for ``bin/coverage`` relative to the current working

g:coverage_sign Default: "↣" (">>" on non-UTF-8 setups)

g:coverage_sign_branch Default: "↦" ("~>" on non-UTF-8 setups)

g:coverage_sign_branch_target Default: "⇥" (">~" on non-UTF-8 setups)

Signs used in sign_column (empty string allowed). Example::

    let g:coverage_sign = '#'
    let g:coverage_sign_branch_target = ''

Highlight groups

If you want to change the highlighting, add this to your .vimrc::

highlight NoCoverage ctermbg=... guibg=... highlight NoBranchCoverage ctermbg=... guibg=... highlight NoBranchCoverageTarget ctermbg=... guibg=...

with the colors you want. See vim's :help cterm-colors and :help gui-colors for the color values to use.


You may want to add this to your .vimrc::

noremap [C :PrevUncovered noremap ]C :NextUncovered

Status line

Add %{coverage_highlight#get_current()} to your 'statusline' to show the coverage percentage for the current file, updated when you run :HighlightCoverage.

Add %{coverage_highlight#get_total()} to your 'statusline' to show the coverage percentage for the current project, updated when you run :HighlightCoverageForAll.

You can pass a format string to either function to customize how the coverage is to be displayed. The default is "%s%%".

Example ::

set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r\ %1*%{coverage_highlight#get_current()}%*%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P


Vim 8.0.0251 or newer with Python or Python3 support.


coverage-highlight.vim was written by Marius Gedminas [email protected] and contributors. Licence: MIT.