
A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

MIT License




csv2ofx is a Python library and command line interface program that converts CSV files to OFX and QIF files for importing into GnuCash or similar financial accounting programs. csv2ofx has built in support for importing csv files from mint, yoodlee, and xero.


csv2ofx has been tested and is known to work on Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9; and PyPy3.7.


(You are using a virtualenv, right?)

sudo pip install csv2ofx


csv2ofx is intended to be used either directly from Python or from the command line.

Library Examples

normal OFX usage

import itertools as it

from meza.io import read_csv, IterStringIO
from csv2ofx import utils
from csv2ofx.ofx import OFX
from csv2ofx.mappings.default import mapping

ofx = OFX(mapping)
records = read_csv('path/to/file.csv', has_header=True)
groups = ofx.gen_groups(records)
trxns = ofx.gen_trxns(groups)
cleaned_trxns = ofx.clean_trxns(trxns)
data = utils.gen_data(cleaned_trxns)
content = it.chain([ofx.header(), ofx.gen_body(data), ofx.footer()])

for line in IterStringIO(content):

normal QIF usage

import itertools as it

from tabutils.io import read_csv, IterStringIO
from csv2ofx import utils
from csv2ofx.qif import QIF
from csv2ofx.mappings.default import mapping

qif = QIF(mapping)
records = read_csv('path/to/file.csv', has_header=True)
groups = qif.gen_groups(records)
trxns = qif.gen_trxns(groups)
cleaned_trxns = qif.clean_trxns(trxns)
data = utils.gen_data(cleaned_trxns)
content = it.chain([qif.gen_body(data), qif.footer()])

for line in IterStringIO(content):

CLI Examples

show help

csv2ofx -h

usage: csv2ofx [options] <source> <dest>

description: csv2ofx converts a csv file to ofx and qif

positional arguments:
  source                the source csv file (default: stdin)
  dest                  the output file (default: stdout)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a TYPE, --account TYPE
                        default account type 'CHECKING' for OFX and 'Bank' for QIF.
  -e DATE, --end DATE   end date (default: today)
  -B BALANCE, --ending-balance BALANCE
                        ending balance (default: None)
  -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        the language (default: ENG)
  -s DATE, --start DATE
                        the start date
  -y, --dayfirst        interpret the first value in ambiguous dates (e.g. 01/05/09) as the day
                        the account mapping (default: default)
  -x FILE_PATH, --custom FILE_PATH
                        path to a custom mapping file
  -c FIELD_NAME, --collapse FIELD_NAME
                        field used to combine transactions within a split for double entry statements
  -C ROWS, --chunksize ROWS
                        number of rows to process at a time (default: 2 ** 14)
  -r ROWS, --first-row ROWS
                        the first row to process (zero based)
  -R ROWS, --last-row ROWS
                        the last row to process (zero based, negative values count from the end)
  -O COLS, --first-col COLS
                        the first column to process (zero based)
  -L, --list-mappings   list the available mappings
  -V, --version         show version and exit
  -q, --qif             enables 'QIF' output instead of 'OFX'
  -M, --ms-money        enables MS Money compatible 'OFX' output
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite destination file if it exists
  -D DATE, --server-date DATE
                        OFX server date (default: source file mtime)
  -E ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
                        File encoding (default: utf-8)
  -d, --debug           display the options and arguments passed to the parser
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

normal usage

csv2ofx file.csv file.ofx

print output to stdout

csv2ofx ~/Downloads/transactions.csv

read input from stdin

cat file.csv | csv2ofx

qif output

csv2ofx -q file.csv

specify date range from one year ago to yesterday with qif output

csv2ofx -s '-1 year' -e yesterday -q file.csv

use yoodlee settings

csv2ofx -m yoodlee file.csv

Special cases

Some banks, like UBS Switzerland, may provide CSV exports that are not readily tractable by csv2ofx because of extra header or trailing lines, redundant or unwanted columns. These input files can be preprocessed with the shipped utilz/csvtrim shell script. F.i., with mapping ubs-ch-fr:

csvtrim untrimmed.csv | csv2ofx -m ubs-ch-fr


Code modification

If you would like to import csv files with field names different from the default, you can modify the mapping file or create your own. New mappings must be placed in the csv2ofx/mappings folder (otherwise you must use the ). The mapping object consists of a dictionary whose keys are OFX/QIF attributes and whose values are functions which should return the corresponding value from a record (csv row). The mapping function will take in a record, e.g.,

{'Account': 'savings 2', 'Date': '1/3/15', 'Amount': 5000}

The most basic mapping function just returns a specific field or value, e.g.,

from operator import itemgetter

mapping = {
    'bank': 'BetterBank',
    'account': itemgetter('Account'),
    'date': itemgetter('Date'),
    'amount': itemgetter('Amount')}

But more complex parsing is also possible, e.g.,

mapping = {
    'account': lambda r: r['Details'].split(':')[0],
    'date': lambda r: '%s/%s/%s' % (r['Month'], r['Day'], r['Year']),
    'amount': lambda r: r['Amount'] * 2,
    'first_row': 1,
    'last_row': 10,
    'filter': lambda r: r['Amount'] > 10,

Required field attributes

attribute description default field example
account transaction account Account BetterBank Checking
date transaction date Date itemgetter('Transaction Date')
amount transaction amount Amount itemgetter('Transaction Amount')

Optional field attributes

attribute description default field default value example
desc transaction description Reference n/a shell station
payee transaction payee Description n/a Shell
notes transaction notes Notes n/a for gas
check_num the check or transaction number Row n/a 2
id transaction id check_num Num n/a
bank the bank name n/a account Bank
account transaction account type n/a checking savings
account_id transaction account id n/a hash of account bb_checking
type transaction type (either debit or credit) n/a CREDIT if amount > 0 else DEBIT debit
balance account balance n/a n/a $23.00
class transaction class n/a n/a travel

Optional value attributes

attribute description default value example
has_header does the csv file have a header row True
custom_header header row to use (e.g. if not provided in csv) None ["Account","Date","Amount"]
is_split does the csv file contain split (double entry) transactions False
currency the currency ISO code USD GBP
delimiter the csv field delimiter , ;
date_fmt custom QIF date output format %m/%d/%y %m/%d/%Y
dayfirst interpret the first value in ambiguous dates (e.g. 01/05/09) as the day (ignored if parse_fmt is present) False True
parse_fmt transaction date parsing format %m/%d/%Y
first_row the first row to process (zero based) 0 2
last_row the last row to process (zero based, negative values count from the end) inf -2
first_col the first column to process (zero based) 0 2
filter keep transactions for which function returns true lambda tr: tr['amount'] > 10


csv2ofx comes with a built in task manager manage.py.


pip install -r dev-requirements.txt


Run python linter and nose tests

manage lint
manage test


Please mimic the coding style/conventions used in this repo. If you add new classes or functions, please add the appropriate doc blocks with examples. Also, make sure the python linter and nose tests pass.

Ready to contribute? Here's how:

  1. Fork and clone.
git clone [email protected]:<your_username>/csv2ofx.git
cd csv2ofx
  1. Setup a new virtualenv
mkvirtualenv -i pkutils csv2ofx
activate csv2ofx
python setup.py develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  1. Create a branch for local development
git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  1. Make your changes, run linter and tests (see above), and submit a pull request through the GitHub website.

Adding Mappings

How to contribute a mapping:

  1. Add the mapping in csv2ofx/mappings/
  2. Add a simple example CSV file in data/test/.
  3. Add the OFX or QIF file that results from the mapping and example CSV file in data/converted/.
  4. Add a csv2ofx call for your mapping to the tests in tests/test.py, in PRE_TESTS. If you added an OFX (not QIF) converted file, pay attention to the -e (end date) and -D (server date) arguments in the test- otherwise tests may pass on your workstation and fail on the build server.
  5. Ensure your test succeeds (see above).


csv2ofx is distributed under the MIT License, the same as meza.