
Rich feature group guard bot for Telegram groups & supergroups

MIT License

I will help you to manage your group. I have many commands and features...


First of all, you need to install few thing on your machine

  • Python: This bot is coded in pyhon language, so you need to install it before using the bot.
  • Pip: You need to install some libraries for this poject, so you need pip also.
  • Git: You need git to clone this repository. (this is optional: you can download ziped source file)
  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Kourva/CtrlBot
  1. Navigate to source directory
cd CtrlBot
  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

OK now you have one step to go. you need to config some variables before running bot...


Open setting.py with any editor you like and edit these sections:

  • Token: Set your bot token. Get one from BotFather
31 # Token for bot token. somthing like this: 1234567890:AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIIJJMMLLSS
32 TOKEN: str = "Bot Token"
  • Sponsor Group: Set the sponser group for admins, they are required to join before using bot:
34 # Support or sponsor group ID
35 GROUP: str = "@Sponsor group username"

This option is disabled by default. you need to enable it (See WIKI section below)

  • Support: All errors will be sent to the admin of bot, set the ID of admin or yourself:
37 # Chat-ID of support admin to send errors 
38 SUPPORT: int = 1234567890
  • Share Text: This is needed when you want to share your bot to friend using forward.
46 # Share LINK & TEXT used to share bot
47 SHARE_TEXT: str = "t.me/BotUsername"
48 SHARE_LINK: str = (
49     f"\n💥 Powerful & Free group guard bot for groups and super-groups!"
50     f"\n\n👾 Start now and enjoy"
51 )

Now we are ready to launch our bot:

python main.py

Want to know more?

Visit Wiki page for more details.