
Analyse cycling potential in Monmouthshire


CycleMon: automated generation of basic walking and cycling analysis from open data

Academic paper: see the paper/ subdirectory here.



  • Currently, Windows (7 or higher). This is due to the requirements of sDNA, though we hope to change that soon.
  • QGIS+GRASS. We used QGIS version 3.14 with GRASS 7.8.3.
    • To fix a bug in scripting QGIS, we needed to add the following line to OSGeo4W.bat in the QGIS install directory: call "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.14\apps\grass\grass78\etc\env.bat"
  • sDNA Open, version 4.2 or later
  • R
  • Python 3, including pyrosm.
    • We managed dependencies with Anaconda, as such you could install our python environment with conda env create -f code/conda_env.yml then activate with conda activate cyclemon
  • GNU Make or (for better debugging) remake; which therefore (in Windows) require MSYS

Input data

The directory input-data/ should contain the following

  • input-data
    • towns
      • (directory for each town, with name chosen by you e.g. monmouth)
        • cycle-buffer.shp containing a single polygon with the area of interest
        • destinations.shp containing a single point with destination of interest
        • destination-zones.csv containing trip counts from each origin zone to the destination of interest
    • zone-polygons.shp containing named polygons for all the origin zones
    • terrain.tif containing height data

Configuring the model

  • Open code/Makefile and check the paths at the top match your install locations of QGIS and sDNA_Open.

  • Open code/ and edit the following line, changing wales to the appropriate region supported by pyrosm (see, such as great_britain ... unless of course, your model falls entirely in Wales):

      data = pyrosm.get_data("wales",directory="../intermediate-data-scratch") 
  • Open QGIS, navigate to Settings -> Options -> Processing -> Scripts -> Scripts folder(s): add the full path to cyclemon\code\qgis_scripts to the list of folders. Close and re-open QGIS to make sure your change persisted.

Running the model

e.g. To generate all models from input-data/towns/monmouth:

cd code

make monmouth-town-all

Check intermediate-data-scratch/towns/(your town)/tag-decode-errors.gpkg (if it exists) to check for any OSM tags we thought might need manual interpretation.

Check output-data/towns/(your town) for the results. As a starting point have a look at

  • summary_walk_qgis.qgs
  • summary_cycle_qgis.qgs
  • all_outputs_qgis.qgs

and see metadata.html for a description of each layer within these.

For more detail on how each output was computed, check the academic paper and/or comments in Makefile.

Extracted from project README