
Making Plotly's Dash SEO-friendly


Dash SEO

A set of tools to make Dash apps SEO-friendly.


Dash is renderd as a single page app, as a set of React components. The HTML representation is not available like a traditional page, and app content an be difficult to read by search engines.

The solution is to convert the app's HTML components in the layout attribute to an HTML string, and include it in the app's source.


  • Create the full HTML string of the app, to be easily read by crawlers and search engines.
  • Does not convert dcc components (charts, dropdowns, date pickers, etc.) saving on performance because these components can be heavy without much content, especially charts.
  • Title tag, and meta tags are already supported by Dash, and you can set these using default Dash.


$ pip install dashseo

from dashseo import htmlify
from dash import Dash, html

app = Dash()
app.layout = html.Div([
    html.H1("Hello, world!")

# You only need to add this:


What just happened?

The div containing "Loading..." get an additional div, which is the full HTML of the app's layout. For the above app, it ends up like this:

<div id="react-entry-point">
    <div class="_dash-loading">
        <h1>hello, world</h1>


The current solution works only for simple apps (not using pages).