
Part of



Part of


Install this plugin in the same environment as Datasette.

$ datasette install datasette-app-support

Using this outside of the context of probably won't work.

API endpoints

This plugin exposes APIs that are called by the Electron wrapper.

All plugins are protected by authentication: they need to be called with a Authorization: Bearer xxx token here the xxx matches the value of the DATASETTE_API_TOKEN environment variable.


POST /-/auth-app-user
{"redirect": "/-/metadata"}

If a valid Authorization header is passed, sets a signed cookie identifying the user as {"id": "admin"} and redirects them to the specified page.


POST /-/open-database-file
{"path": "/path/to/file.db"}

Attaches a new database file to the running Datasette instance - used by the "Open Database..." menu option.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/file"} if it works, 400 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


POST /-/new-empty-database-file
{"path": "/path/to/file.db"}

Creates a brand new empty SQLite database file at the specified path and attaches it to the Datasette instance. Used by the "Create Empty Database..." menu option.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/file"} if it works, 400 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


POST /-/open-csv-file
{"path": "/path/to/file.csv"}

Imports a CSV or TSV file into the default /temporary in-memory database. Used by the "Open CSV..." menu option.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/temporary/table"} if it works, 400 or 500 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


POST /-/import-csv-file
{"path": "/path/to/file.csv", "database": "database_name"}

Permanently imports a CSV or TSV file into the specified database. Used by the "Import CSV..." menu option.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/database_name/table"} if it works, 400 or 500 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


POST /-/open-csv-from-url
{"url": "", "table_name": "My_suggested_table_name"}

Imports a CSV file into the default /temporary in-memory database. Used by the "Open CSV from URL..." menu option. table_name is optional - if omitted the name to use will be derived from the URL.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/temporary/table"} if it works, 400 or 500 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


POST /-/dump-temporary-to-file
{"path": "/path/to/backup.db"}

Dumps the contents of the temporary in-memory database to the specified file. This is intended to be used to take a temporary backup when the Datasette server is restarted after a plugin has been installed, see datasette-app/issues/42.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/path/to/backup.db"} if it works, 400 or 500 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


POST /-/restore-temporary-from-file
{"path": "/path/to/backup.db"}

Restores the temporary in-memory database to the contents of the specified file.

Returns HTTP 200 status with {"ok": True, "path": "/path/to/backup.db"} if it works, 400 or 500 with an "error" JSON string message if it fails.


To set up this plugin locally, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd datasette-app-support
python3 -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Or if you are using pipenv:

pipenv shell

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:
