
Decision Theory Simulator

GPL-3.0 License


Decision Theory Simulator

This is a work in progress. Expect some bugs.

This is an XML language that can express common decision theory dilemmas, and a Python simulator that can run a decision theory on a dilemma.

  • Brief Introduction to Decision Theory:
    skip this if you know what decision theory is
  • The Dilemma Language: an XML language for expressing
    decision theory problems
  • Decision Theories: the interface for defining a
    decision theory, and the algorithms I used for CDT, EDT, UDT, and one more
  • Logging for an example of a trace that's printed, showing the
    reasoning of a decision theory on Newcomb's Problem
  • Dilemma Catalog: a brief description of the dilemmas I've
    written so far, and how each decision theory behaves on them
  • Usage: how to install and run DTS.

Brief Introduction to Decision Theory

Decision theory asks the question:

Given that you have an accurate (probabilistic) model of the world including the consequences of your actions, and given also that you have totally ordered preferences over possible outcomes, how do you decide which action to take?

The answer, of course, is that you should take the action that yields the best outcome, according to your preferences. Bam! Decision theory solved.

Ok, well it turns out that even with perfect information, determining the consequences of your decisions gets difficult, especially as decision theorists like to come up with tricky dilemmas that break reasonable ways of making decisions. One such tricky dilemma is Newcomb's Problem. Quoting from Wikipedia:

There is a reliable predictor, another player, and two boxes designated A and B. The player is given a choice between taking only box B or taking both boxes A and B. The player knows the following:

  • Box A is transparent and always contains a visible $1,000.

  • Box B is opaque, and its content has already been set by the predictor:

    • If the predictor has predicted that the player will take both boxes A
      and B ("two-box"), then box B contains nothing.
    • If the predictor has predicted that the player will take only box B
      ("one-box"), then box B contains $1,000,000.

The player does not know what the predictor predicted or what box B contains while making the choice.

The argument in favor of two-boxing is clear: the boxes are here, in this room with you. Your action now cannot possibly effect the contents of Box B because it's physically here in front of you. Either it has $1000,000 in it or it doesn't. Either way, you get an additional $1000 by taking both boxes.

The argument in favor of one-boxing is just as clear: supposing the predictor has administered this game before, everyone that one-boxed walked away with $1000,000 and everyone that two-boxed walked away with $1000. Which category would you like to be in?

Hopefully it's becoming clear that it might not be trivial to compute the "best" action, and that there might even be some disagreement over which action that is.

As an aside: why should you care about unrealistic situations like this? The world isn't filled with infallible predictors, and if it was we wouldn't let them run game shows. (Ok Japan might.) Two reasons you should care, though. First, there are somewhat more realistic dilemmas involving blackmail. Second, Newcomb's Problem is a thought experiment. The point isn't to be realistic, the point is to stress test your mechanism for making decisions, and make sure it doesn't explode in fire when put in an unusual situation.

More reading:

The Dilemma Language

The valuable thing I've done is invented a language capable of expressing decision theory problems precisely. And then implemented an interpreter for them in Python, because once you have a precise language you can do that.

Let's walk through the dilemma language using Newcomb's Problem as an example, since it's about as simple as it can be while using nearly every feature of the language. Here's the full dilemma. Though note that in this case, the predictor is fallible, and 1% of the time will predict one-boxing without cause, and 1% of the time will predict two-boxing without cause.

<dilemma name="Newcomb's Problem" xml-author="Justin Pombrio">

    <scenario start="yesterday">
            <random id="prediction">
                <case prob="0.98">
                    <predict agent="Alice" decision="one-or-two-box" id="correct-prediction">
                        <scenario start="yesterday">
                        <case action="one-box">
                            <goto event="box-B-full" id="correct-prediction-one-box"/>
                        <case action="two-box">
                            <goto event="box-B-empty" id="correct-prediction-two-box"/>
                <case prob="0.01">
                    <goto event="box-B-full" id="wrong-prediction-one-box"/>
                <case prob="0.01">                
                    <goto event="box-B-empty" id="wrong-prediction-two-box"/>
            <decide agent="Alice" decision="one-or-two-box" id="box-B-full">
                <case action="one-box">
                    <outcome id="one-box-when-box-B-full">
                        <utility agent="Alice" amount="1000000"/>
                <case action="two-box">
                    <outcome id="two-box-when-box-B-full">
                        <utility agent="Alice" amount="1001000"/>

            <decide agent="Alice" decision="one-or-two-box" id="box-B-empty">
                <case action="one-box">
                    <outcome id="one-box-when-box-B-empty">
                        <utility agent="Alice" amount="0"/>
                <case action="two-box">
                    <outcome id="two-box-when-box-B-empty">
                        <utility agent="Alice" amount="1000"/>

Let's walk through this piece by piece.


<dilemma name="Newcomb's Problem" xml-author="Justin Pombrio">

name is the name of the dilemma, xml-author is the person who wrote the XML (and thus responsible for its accuracy). description is an extended description of the problem, like the Wikipedia description above, which I've elided here for brevity.


<scenario start="yesterday">
    <event> ... </event>
    <event> ... </event>
    <event> ... </event>

The scenario element says what the dilemma actually is. It has a set of agents (in this case just Alice), and a set of events. (The events are the things inside the <event> tags.) All of the agents will use the same decision theory, and they all know it. There's a start event (see the attribute on scenario), which is the id of the event that the scenario starts with.

Each event forms a tree, with children in the tree being possible futures. For example, a <random> coin-flip event would have two child events: one representing what will happen when the coin lands on heads, and one for tails. As another example, a <choice> event presents some choice to some agent, and its child events say what the consequences of each choice are. These events are nested within each other, giving a tree of all possible futures.

Every event has an id attribute, which must be unique. These are for logging, and for <goto> events, described next.


A <goto> event jumps to a named top-level <event>. Its sole purpose is to allow sharing in the event "tree", allowing it to become a DAG.

A <goto> is semantically identical to replacing the <goto> with the event it references. Doing so with every <goto> expands the DAG into a tree. So you can always think of the events as forming a tree.

For example, <goto event="box-B-full" id="prediction-one-box"/> jumps to the event <event name="box-B-full">...</event>.


An <outcome> event represents a final outcome of the dilemma, giving the utility that each agent has obtained. Outcomes are leaves of the event tree, so if any utility was gained along the way it must be accounted for in the outcomes beneath it. Each agent's utility is written with a child element <utility agent=AGENT_NAME amount=UTILITY/>

For example, here's the outcome if Alice two-boxes when box B is full:

<outcome id="two-box-when-box-B-full">
    <utility agent="Alice" amount="1001000"/>

For an example with multiple agents, here's an outcome event representing that "Alice wins $100 and Bob wins $0":

<outcome id="alice-wins">
    <utility agent="Alice" amount="100"/>
    <utility agent="Bob" amount="0"/>


A <random> event represents randomness with a finite set of possible outcomes. Each outcome is given by a child <case prob=P>EVENT</case>, meaning that EVENT happens with probability P. The probabilities of the cases must sum to 1.

For example, here's a random event representing that "Alice wins $100 if a coin lands on heads":

<random id="coin-flip">
    <case prob="0.5">
        <outcome id="heads">
            <utility agent="Alice" amount="100"/>
    <case prob="0.5">
        <outcome id="tails">
            <utility agent="Alice" amount="0"/>

And here's the randomness in the Newcomb problem. With 98% probability, the predictor will accurately predict Alice's decision, with 1% probability She will conclude without evidence that Alice will one-box, and with 1% probability She will conclude without evidence that Alice will two-box:

<random id="predictor-is-predicting">
    <case prob="0.98">
        <predict agent="Alice" decision="one-or-two-box" id="prediction">
    <case prob="0.01">
        <goto event="box-B-full" id="wrong-prediction-one-box"/>
    <case prob="0.01">                
        <goto event="box-B-empty" id="wrong-prediction-two-box"/>


<decide agent="Alice" decision="one-or-two-box" id="box-B-full">
    <case action="one-box">
        <outcome id="one-box-when-box-B-full">
            <utility agent="Alice" amount="1000000"/>
    <case action="two-box">
        <outcome id="two-box-when-box-B-full">
            <utility agent="Alice" amount="1001000"/>

A <decide> event represents some agent making some decision. The agent attribute says which agent is making the decision, and the decision attribute says which decision it is. Multiple <decide> events may have the same decision attribute, meaning that the agent does not know which event she is on when making the decision. For example, in the Newcomb problem the agent doesn't know whether box B is full or not when making the decision one-box-or-two-box. Thus there are two <decide> events with decision="one-or-two-box"; one where box B is empty and one where it's full.


<predict agent="Alice" decision="one-or-two-box" id="prediction">
    <scenario start="yesterday">
    <case action="one-box">
        <goto event="box-B-full" id="correct-prediction-one-box"/>
    <case action="two-box">
        <goto event="box-B-empty" id="correct-prediction-two-box"/>

<predict> is the most complicated event, because the prediction could be for any scenario at all. It has the following parts:

  • A <scenario> child gives the scenario being predicted. It has agents and
    events, just like the top-level scenario. The only difference is that its
    events are just names of events from the existing scenario.
  • The agent and decision attributes say which agent and decision is being
    predicted, within the given scenario.
  • The case children give the consequences of each predicted action. In this
    example, the predictor makes box B full iff Alice is predicted to one-box.

Forced Decide

A <forced\_decide> event is like a <decide> event, but the agent doesn't actually get a choice. This is how dilemmas like "smoking lesion" or "cosmic ray", where the agent makes some decision in a way other than her preference, are represented. For example, here's a "lesion" forcing Alice to choose yes-smoke in the decision smoke-or-not:

<forced_decide agent="Alice" decision="smoke-or-not" id="affected-by-lesion">
    <case action="yes-smoke">
        <outcome id="forced-to-smoke">
            <utility agent="Alice" amount="-999000"/>

(I'm not very happy with this representation of forced choices. I'm not sure it's a faithful way of encoding the smoking lesion problem, and it makes EDT quite unnatural to write down: it needs to go out of its way to account for every forced choice and then do the wrong thing for them.)

Decision Theories

A decision theory has a small interface:

class CDT:
    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger

    def name():
        return "cdt"

    def decide(self, scenario, decision_name, sim):

logger should be used to provide a trace of the decision theory's reasoning each time decide() is called. logger has two methods:

  • logger.log(message) prints string message
  • with prints string message, and indents all
    logging inside thw with block.

name() is a unique name for the decision theory. It's what will be used on the command line to specify this decision theory.

decide(self, scenario, decision_name, simulator) will be invoked each time a decision needs to be made. It must be stateless and deterministic. Thus it cannot call an RNG, and it must not access self except for logging and possibly accessing static data. The three arguments to decide are:

  • scenario gives the full scenario being run. It's given as a Scenario
    object, which you can see in It's a representation of the
    <scenario> element in the dilemma XML.
  • decision_name is a string giving the decision name being made. Remember
    that one decision name could refer to multiple <decide> events, because
    the agent might not have complete knowledge. You can use the decision name
    to look up the agent making the decision and the allowed actions using
    agent_name, actions = scenario.decision_table[decision_name].
  • simulator gives access to the dilemma simulator. See for docs on
    how to call it. This argument is technically redundant; scenario gives
    you all the information you need to run your own simulation, though it
    would be a lot of repeated code. Be careful not to produce infinite loops
    when calling the simulator.

There are four built-in decision theories. I will describe how I implemented them. I am not certain this is faithful to how they are supposed to behave! There is also legitimate ambiguity in that CDT and EDT depend on a prior; I've chosen a uniform prior over all possible dispositions for both of them.

  • CDT, causal decision theory. First, determine a probability distribution over the current event. Do so by starting with a uniform prior over all of the possible behaviors for all agents, and simulating forward from there until reaching the current decision. Then normalize this probability distribution so the probabilities to add to 1 (they could have been less than or more than 1). Then, consider each possible action in turn. For each, compute the expected utility starting from the probability distribution above, given that the agent takes said action and uses CDT from this point forward. (Notably, if they encounter the same decision again in the future, they do not assume they will make it in the same way. This leads to an infinite loop in the Sleeping Beauty problem!) Finally, pick the action with the highest expected utility.

  • EPDT, evidential precommitment decision theory. This is a variant of EDT that was more natural to implement in this framework. To make a decision, the agent first considers each possible action in turn. For that action, she:

    1. Computes the probability distribution over the current event, under
      the assumption that she precommited to picking this action from the
      start of the scenario.
    2. Normalize this probability distribution so that the probabilities sum
      to 1 (again, they could have summed to less than or more than 1).
    3. Compute the expected utility from this point forward, assuming that
      the agent continues to commit to making this decision the same way.
      Then just pick the action with the highest expected utility.
  • EDT, evidential decision theory.

    1. Determine a probability distribution over the current event. Do so by
      starting with a uniform prior over all possible behaviors for all
      agents, and simulating forward from there until reaching the current
    2. Re-group the probability distribution based on action.
    3. Normalize this probability distribution so that the probabilities sum
      to 1.
    4. For each action, compute the expected utility from this point forward,
      assuming that all agents continue to behave the same way.
      Then pick the action with the highest utility.
  • UDT, updateless decision theory. Make each decision the way you would have precommited to make it at the start of the scenario. To be more precise, for each action, calculate the expected utility if, at the start of the scenario, you had precommited to pick that action for the given decision, and continued following UDT for other decisions. Then pick the action with the highest utility. This is not precisely UDT, but I believe it's equivalent to UDT, and to FDT, within the confines of the dilemmas expressible in the XML language. At least for single-agent dilemmas. If you know otherwise, or think it should be named differently, let me know. (If I were to name it from scratch, I would call it "precommitment decision theory".)

(A few of these descriptions used the word "behavior". It means a complete mapping from decision to action, which fixes all decisions made by an agent.)

There's a mostly-complete proof that the implementation of EDT does the correct thing in


When you run a dilemma using a decision theory, you get a very detailed log of what's happening, and what the agent's reasoning process is. For example, here's "UDT" on a version of the Newcomb problem where the predictor is infallible (it's the same as the one we've walked through, except for missing the two 1% random cases where the predictor makes a mistake).

The vertical lines give context:

  • | marks simulations. The outer | is what's actually happening; inner ones
    are from agents simulating hypotheticals in their minds (or, perhaps, on
  • ? marks the predictor predicting what an agent would do.
  • ! marks agents actually reasoning to make a decision.
SIMULATE prediction
|   PREDICT one-or-two-box by Alice from prediction:
|   ?   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|   ?   Considering possible precommitments:
|   ?       with precommitment 'Alice, one-or-two-box -> one-box':
|   ?           SIMULATE prediction
|   ?           |   PREDICT one-or-two-box by Alice from prediction:
|   ?           |   ?   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|   ?           |   ?   Precommitments:
|   ?           |   ?       Alice, one-or-two-box -> one-box
|   ?           |   ?   I am precommited to one-box.
|   ?           |   Alice is predicted to decide to one-box
|   ?           |   DO box-B-full:
|   ?           |       DECIDE one-or-two-box by Alice:
|   ?           |       !   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|   ?           |       !   Precommitments:
|   ?           |       !       Alice, one-or-two-box -> one-box
|   ?           |       !   I am precommited to one-box.
|   ?           |       Alice decides to one-box
|   ?           |       OUTCOME:
|   ?           |           Alice -> 1,000,000
|   ?       with precommitment 'Alice, one-or-two-box -> two-box':
|   ?           SIMULATE prediction
|   ?           |   PREDICT one-or-two-box by Alice from prediction:
|   ?           |   ?   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|   ?           |   ?   Precommitments:
|   ?           |   ?       Alice, one-or-two-box -> two-box
|   ?           |   ?   I am precommited to two-box.
|   ?           |   Alice is predicted to decide to two-box
|   ?           |   DO box-B-empty:
|   ?           |       DECIDE one-or-two-box by Alice:
|   ?           |       !   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|   ?           |       !   Precommitments:
|   ?           |       !       Alice, one-or-two-box -> two-box
|   ?           |       !   I am precommited to two-box.
|   ?           |       Alice decides to two-box
|   ?           |       OUTCOME:
|   ?           |           Alice -> 1,000
|   ?   Expected utility for each precommitment:
|   ?       one-box -> 1,000,000
|   ?       two-box -> 1,000
|   ?   Thus my best action is to one-box.
|   Alice is predicted to decide to one-box
|   DO box-B-full:
|       DECIDE one-or-two-box by Alice:
|       !   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|       !   Considering possible precommitments:
|       !       with precommitment 'Alice, one-or-two-box -> one-box':
|       !           SIMULATE prediction
|       !           |   PREDICT one-or-two-box by Alice from prediction:
|       !           |   ?   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|       !           |   ?   Precommitments:
|       !           |   ?       Alice, one-or-two-box -> one-box
|       !           |   ?   I am precommited to one-box.
|       !           |   Alice is predicted to decide to one-box
|       !           |   DO box-B-full:
|       !           |       DECIDE one-or-two-box by Alice:
|       !           |       !   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|       !           |       !   Precommitments:
|       !           |       !       Alice, one-or-two-box -> one-box
|       !           |       !   I am precommited to one-box.
|       !           |       Alice decides to one-box
|       !           |       OUTCOME:
|       !           |           Alice -> 1,000,000
|       !       with precommitment 'Alice, one-or-two-box -> two-box':
|       !           SIMULATE prediction
|       !           |   PREDICT one-or-two-box by Alice from prediction:
|       !           |   ?   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|       !           |   ?   Precommitments:
|       !           |   ?       Alice, one-or-two-box -> two-box
|       !           |   ?   I am precommited to two-box.
|       !           |   Alice is predicted to decide to two-box
|       !           |   DO box-B-empty:
|       !           |       DECIDE one-or-two-box by Alice:
|       !           |       !   I, Alice, am deciding one-or-two-box using UDT.
|       !           |       !   Precommitments:
|       !           |       !       Alice, one-or-two-box -> two-box
|       !           |       !   I am precommited to two-box.
|       !           |       Alice decides to two-box
|       !           |       OUTCOME:
|       !           |           Alice -> 1,000
|       !   Expected utility for each precommitment:
|       !       one-box -> 1,000,000
|       !       two-box -> 1,000
|       !   Thus my best action is to one-box.
|       Alice decides to one-box
|       OUTCOME:
|           Alice -> 1,000,000
Final outcome:
    Alice -> 1,000,000

Dilemma Catalog


Current issues:

  • CDT infinite loops on prisoner's dilemma
  • I'm not fully confident in EDT; need to do some probability theory to
    prove/check it.



You'll need Python 3, and two libraries:

pip install argparse
pip install xmlschema


To validate a dilemma:

python validate dilemmas/newcomb.xml

To run a dilemma using a decision theory:

python run dilemmas/newcomb.xml cdt

The decision theories available can be seen in


(See disclaimers about these decision theories in decision-theories. Tldr; these were my best first attempts, but may not be faithful to how these decision theories are "supposed" to operate.)