
Python DictObject allows attribute access on dicts.



DictObject is a subclass of dict adding attribute-style access.

some_dict = { "key": "value" }
bunch = DictObject( some_dict )

You can access values either like a dict,

bunch["key"]  # 'value'

or object oriented attribute-style access:

bunch.key  # 'value'

Both ways are possible, and the other always reflect the changes

bunch.key = "something"
bunch["key"]  # 'something'

Creating a DictObject

You can just drop a normal dict into it.

a = DictObject({"I": "have", "no": "idea", "what": {"example": "names"}, "to": "choose"})
# you can chack equality as usual:
a == {"I": "have", "no": "idea", "what": {"example": "names"}, "to": "choose"}  # True

It's possibly to give a set set of keyword arguments.

b = DictObject(test="foo", hurr="durr", best_pony = "Littlepip")
b == {"test": "foo", "hurr": "durr", "best_pony": "Littlepip"}  # True

You can merge multible dicts at once.

a = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
b = {"eins": 1, "zwei": 2, "drei": 3}
c = DictObject(a, b)
c == {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3, "eins": 1, "zwei": 2, "drei": 3}  # True

This works with everything subclassing 'dict', so you can use DictObject too.

Let's combine everything above:

d = DictObject(c, unos=1, dos=2, tres=3)
d =={"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3, "eins": 1, "zwei": 2, "drei": 3, "unos": 1, "dos": 2, "tres": 3,}  # True

And you can define more values anytime by just setting them, per key or attribute

e = DictObject()
e["isa"]    = 1
e["dalawa"] = 2
e["tatlo"]  = 3
e.ien = 1
e.twa  = 2
e.trije = 3
e == {"isa":1,"dalawa": 2,"tatlo": 3,"ien": 1,"twa": 2, "trije": 3}  # True

Have a look the merge_dict function in the code (it is documented there) how to merge another dict into a DictObject. When a list is added to the DictObject, any dicts inside the list should become DictObjects too. In order to archive that, lists are transformed to DictObjectLists. It will still behave like normal lists, but added values will be automatically objectified.

This and more is found documentation in the code: DictObject/__init__.py (time of writing is commit c41476e)


pip install DictObject


For testing doctests where used, the documentation in the code doubles as testing. Just run test.py or your prefered doctest engine.