
Tracking for upstream tree-sitter grammars that are used in diffsitter.


diffsitter grammars


This is a repository to keep track of diffsitter dependencies in forked repositories.

For diffsitter we have forked the grammars so that we can use our own build.rs script and statically link grammars.


You'll need: git and nvchecker.

You'll need the forked repositories. We use nvchecker to keep track of when we're out of date with master.

Checking for repositories that are out of date:

nvchecker -c nvchecker.toml

You can also use the Makefile:

make check

Updating the nvchecker version file once you have updated a repository:

# substitute for any repository name
nvtake -c nvchecker.toml "tree-sitter-${LANGUAGE}"

If you have updated the repository for the grammar then you should open a PR here to reflect that.

It is recommended that you create a keyfile.toml with API tokens for Github, otherwise you will get rate limited very quickly because of all of the requests that nvchecker invokes.

Example keyfile.toml:

github = "ghp_REDACTED"