
Discord-Study-Bot is a Study-Time-based leaderboard system in discord servers. This features an Overall leaderboard and leaderboards based on a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly basis.

MIT License



Discord-Study-Bot is an open-source solution for implementing a Study-Time-based leaderboard system in discord servers. This open-source programme features an overall leaderboard and leaderboards based on a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly basis which will help a student to concentrate more on their studies.


  • Global Study-Time Leaderboard
  • Monthly Study-Time Leaderboard
  • Weekly Study-Time Leaderboard
  • Daily Study-Time Leaderboard


  1. Clone the repo or download manually.
git clone https://github.com/shubhayu-64/Discord-Study-Bot.git
  1. Move to cloned/downloaded directory cd Discord-Study-Bot
  2. Use pip to install Discord-Study-Bot.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Make a bot from Discord Developer Portal and grab the token and fill in config.py
  2. Make a remote database in MongoDB and fill in config.py with your cluster, database, and collection.

Deploy on heroku

  • Create a new app in heroku and choose your relevant region.
  • Fork this repo and make it private.
  • Add your API keys or follow 4. and 5. of Installation.
  • Add a Procfile with worker as study-bot.py
  • Add deployment method as Github in the website.
  • Go ahead and deploy on heroku.


  • Join your Discord bot on your server.
  • Build Study text and voice channel and add them in study-bot.py
    Study Channels
  • Replace Channel IDs with your channel IDs.
  • Add your studying discord role.
    Studing Role
  • Run python study-bot.py
  • Type +help in your server.



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


MIT Shubhayu Majumdar

What next?

  • Add feature to reply back with last study time when a user leaves study room.
  • Add a notification when a user overtakes another user in leaderboards.
    Please open an issue with your feature idea.


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Made with and Python