
A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy.

MIT License



  • Very easy to use and user-friendly.
  • Object Oriented.
  • Modern Leveling Manager.
  • Modern Music/Audio playing manager. [Lavalink and FFmpeg support]
  • Modern Async Database Manager (SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB).
  • Modern Paginator.
  • Modern Reaction Manager.
  • Modern Economy Manager.
  • Modern Image Manager (PIL).
  • Modern Invite Tracker.
  • Modern Command Hinter.
  • Modern FiveM Server Parser.
  • Modern Birthday Manager.
  • Modern Prefix Manager.
  • Includes easy to use convertors.
  • Modern spotify client that is optimized for player fetching.
  • Modern Punishment Manager (Kick, Ban, Infractions, Mutes)
  • Modern Template Manager.
  • Modern CogManager that supports usage of managers in discord cogs.
  • Modern MessageFilter and AntiSpam.
  • Customizable ModMail Manager
  • Modern Youtube client that is optimized for player fetching.
  • And many more!


Installing discordSuperUtils is very easy.

python -m pip install discordSuperUtils


Leveling Example (With Role Manager)

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import discordSuperUtils

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="-", intents=discord.Intents.all())
LevelingManager = discordSuperUtils.LevelingManager(bot, award_role=True)
ImageManager = (
)  # LevelingManager uses ImageManager to create the rank command.

async def on_ready():
    database = discordSuperUtils.DatabaseManager.connect(...)
    await LevelingManager.connect_to_database(database, ["xp", "roles", "role_list"])

    print("Leveling manager is ready.", bot.user)

async def on_level_up(message, member_data, roles):
    await message.reply(
        f"You are now level {await member_data.level()}"
        + (f", you have received the {roles[0]}" f" role." if roles else "")

async def rank(ctx):
    member_data = await LevelingManager.get_account(ctx.author)

    if not member_data:
        await ctx.send(f"I am still creating your account! please wait a few seconds.")

    guild_leaderboard = await LevelingManager.get_leaderboard(ctx.guild)
    member = [x for x in guild_leaderboard if x.member == ctx.author.id]

    image = await ImageManager.create_leveling_profile(
        (127, 255, 0),
        guild_leaderboard.index(member[0]) + 1 if member else -1,
    await ctx.send(file=image)

async def set_roles(ctx, interval: int, *roles: discord.Role):
    await LevelingManager.set_interval(ctx.guild, interval)
    await LevelingManager.set_roles(ctx.guild, roles)

    await ctx.send(
        f"Successfully set the interval to {interval} and role list to {', '.join(role.name for role in roles)}"

async def leaderboard(ctx):
    guild_leaderboard = await LevelingManager.get_leaderboard(ctx.guild)
    formatted_leaderboard = [
        f"Member: {x.member}, XP: {await x.xp()}" for x in guild_leaderboard

    await discordSuperUtils.PageManager(
            title="Leveling Leaderboard",
            description=f"Leaderboard of {ctx.guild}",


Playing Example

from math import floor

from discord.ext import commands

import discordSuperUtils
from discordSuperUtils import MusicManager
import discord

client_id = ""
client_secret = ""

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="-", intents=discord.Intents.all())
# MusicManager = MusicManager(bot, spotify_support=False)

MusicManager = MusicManager(
    bot, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, spotify_support=True

# if using spotify support use this instead ^^^

async def on_music_error(ctx, error):
    raise error  # add your error handling here! Errors are listed in the documentation.

async def on_queue_end(ctx):
    print(f"The queue has ended in {ctx}")
    # You could wait and check activity, etc...

async def on_inactivity_disconnect(ctx):
    print(f"I have left {ctx} due to inactivity..")

async def on_play(ctx, player):
    await ctx.send(f"Playing {player}")

async def on_ready():
    # database = discordSuperUtils.DatabaseManager.connect(...)
    # await MusicManager.connect_to_database(database, ["playlists"])

    print("Music manager is ready.", bot.user)

async def leave(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.leave(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Left Voice Channel")

async def np(ctx):
    if player := await MusicManager.now_playing(ctx):
        duration_played = await MusicManager.get_player_played_duration(ctx, player)
        # You can format it, of course.

        await ctx.send(
            f"Currently playing: {player}, \n"
            f"Duration: {duration_played}/{player.duration}"

async def join(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.join(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Joined Voice Channel")

async def playlists(ctx, user: discord.User):
    user_playlists = await MusicManager.get_user_playlists(user)

    formatted_playlists = [
        f"ID: '{user_playlist.id}'\nTitle: '{user_playlist.playlist.title}'\nTotal Songs: {len(user_playlist.playlist.songs)}"
        for user_playlist in user_playlists

    embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
        f"Playlists of {user}",
        f"Shows {user.mention}'s playlists.",

    page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(ctx, embeds, public=True)
    await page_manager.run()

async def add(ctx, url: str):
    added_playlist = await MusicManager.add_playlist(ctx.author, url)

    if not added_playlist:
        await ctx.send("Playlist URL not found!")

    await ctx.send(f"Playlist added with ID {added_playlist.id}")

async def play(ctx, playlist_id: str):
    # This command is just an example, and not something you should do.
    # The saved playlist system is supposed to provide fast, easy and simple playing, and the user should not look for
    # the right playlist id before playing, as that defeats the whole point.
    # Instead of playing using a playlist id, I recommend playing using indexes.
    # Please, if you are playing using indexes, find the playlist id you need by getting all the user's playlists
    # and then finding the id from there.
    # Find the user's playlists using MusicManager.get_user_playlists(ctx.author, partial=True).
    # Make sure partial is True to speed up the fetching progress (incase you want to access the playlist data,
    # you can set it to False, of course).
    # Using these playlists, find the id the user wants, and play it (or whatever else you want to do with it).
    # Be creative!

    user_playlist = await MusicManager.get_playlist(ctx.author, playlist_id)

    if not user_playlist:
        await ctx.send("That playlist does not exist!")

    if not ctx.voice_client or not ctx.voice_client.is_connected():
        await MusicManager.join(ctx)

    async with ctx.typing():
        players = await MusicManager.create_playlist_players(
            user_playlist.playlist, ctx.author

    if players:
        if await MusicManager.queue_add(
            players=players, ctx=ctx
        ) and not await MusicManager.play(ctx):
            await ctx.send(f"Added playlist {user_playlist.playlist.title}")

        await ctx.send("Query not found.")

async def remove(ctx, playlist_id: str):
    user_playlist = await MusicManager.get_playlist(ctx.author, playlist_id)

    if not user_playlist:
        await ctx.send(f"Playlist with id {playlist_id} is not found.")

    await user_playlist.delete()
    await ctx.send(f"Playlist {user_playlist.playlist.title} has been deleted")

async def play(ctx, *, query: str):
    if not ctx.voice_client or not ctx.voice_client.is_connected():
        await MusicManager.join(ctx)

    async with ctx.typing():
        players = await MusicManager.create_player(query, ctx.author)

    if players:
        if await MusicManager.queue_add(
            players=players, ctx=ctx
        ) and not await MusicManager.play(ctx):
            await ctx.send("Added to queue")

        await ctx.send("Query not found.")

async def lyrics(ctx, query: str = None):
    if response := await MusicManager.lyrics(ctx, query):
        title, author, query_lyrics = response

        splitted = query_lyrics.split("\n")
        res = []
        current = ""
        for i, split in enumerate(splitted):
            if len(splitted) <= i + 1 or len(current) + len(splitted[i + 1]) > 1024:
                current = ""
            current += split + "\n"

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(
                    title=f"Lyrics for '{title}' by '{author}', (Page {i + 1}/{len(res)})",
                for i, x in enumerate(res)
        await page_manager.run()
        await ctx.send("No lyrics found.")

async def pause(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.pause(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Player paused.")

async def resume(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.resume(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Player resumed.")

async def volume(ctx, volume: int):
    await MusicManager.volume(ctx, volume)

async def loop(ctx):
    is_loop = await MusicManager.loop(ctx)

    if is_loop is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Looping toggled to {is_loop}")

async def shuffle(ctx):
    is_shuffle = await MusicManager.shuffle(ctx)

    if is_shuffle is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Shuffle toggled to {is_shuffle}")

async def autoplay(ctx):
    is_autoplay = await MusicManager.autoplay(ctx)

    if is_autoplay is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Autoplay toggled to {is_autoplay}")

async def queueloop(ctx):
    is_loop = await MusicManager.queueloop(ctx)

    if is_loop is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Queue looping toggled to {is_loop}")

async def complete_queue(ctx):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        formatted_queue = [
            f"Title: '{x.title}'\nRequester: {x.requester and x.requester.mention}\n"
            f"Position: {i - ctx_queue.pos}"
            for i, x in enumerate(ctx_queue.queue)

        num_of_fields = 25

        embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
            "Complete Song Queue",
            "Shows the complete song queue.",

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(
            ctx, embeds, public=True, index=floor(ctx_queue.pos / 25)
        await page_manager.run()

async def goto(ctx, position: int):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        new_pos = ctx_queue.pos + position
        if not 0 <= new_pos < len(ctx_queue.queue):
            await ctx.send("Position is out of bounds.")

        await MusicManager.goto(ctx, new_pos)
        await ctx.send(f"Moved to position {position}")

async def history(ctx):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        formatted_history = [
            f"Title: '{x.title}'\nRequester: {x.requester and x.requester.mention}"
            for x in ctx_queue.history

        embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
            "Song History",
            "Shows all played songs",

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(ctx, embeds, public=True)
        await page_manager.run()

async def skip(ctx, index: int = None):
    await MusicManager.skip(ctx, index)

async def queue(ctx):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        formatted_queue = [
            f"Title: '{x.title}\nRequester: {x.requester and x.requester.mention}"
            for x in ctx_queue.queue[ctx_queue.pos + 1 :]

        embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
            f"Now Playing: {await MusicManager.now_playing(ctx)}",

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(ctx, embeds, public=True)
        await page_manager.run()

async def rewind(ctx, index: int = None):
    await MusicManager.previous(ctx, index, no_autoplay=True)

async def ls(ctx):
    if queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        loop = queue.loop
        loop_status = None

        if loop == discordSuperUtils.Loops.LOOP:
            loop_status = "Looping enabled."

        elif loop == discordSuperUtils.Loops.QUEUE_LOOP:
            loop_status = "Queue looping enabled."

        elif loop == discordSuperUtils.Loops.NO_LOOP:
            loop_status = "No loop enabled."

        if loop_status:
            await ctx.send(loop_status)

async def move(ctx, player_index: int, index: int):
    await MusicManager.move(ctx, player_index, index)


More examples are listed in the examples folder.

Known Issues

  • Removing an animated emoji wont be recognized as a reaction role, as it shows up as not animated for some reason, breaking the reaction matcher. (Discord API Related)
