
BSD-3-CLAUSE License



A package for fitting histograms of spatial orientations by a mixture of von Mises distributions.

License: New BSD License, see the LICENSE file.


This package has been developed to analyze muscle cells directions data coming from aortic segments. The related data files can be found at [1].

[1] https://github.com/rc/dist_mixtures_data


Download the source code from [1].

[1] https://github.com/rc/dist_mixtures

The following dependencies need to be installed:

Then cd into the dist_mixtures/ directory.


Run fit_von_mises.py without arguments to see the help message::

$ ./fit_von_mises.py Usage: fit_von_mises.py [options] pattern data_dir

Fit data files with names matching a given pattern by a mixture of von Mises distributions.

Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -o dirname, --output-dir=dirname output directory [default: output] -c filename, --conf=filename use configuration file with parameter sets. Ignored, if n_components option is given. -n positive_int, --n-components=positive_int number of components of the mixture [default: 2] -p kappa0,mu0,kappa1,mu1,..., --parameters=kappa0,mu0,kappa1,mu1,... initial guess of von Mises parameters for each component as a comma separated list, e.g., for two components: "1,0,1,0" corresponding to kappa0, mu0, kappa1, mu1 respectively. The location parameter mu should be given in degrees in [-90, 90[. -d pattern, --dir-pattern=pattern pattern that subdirectories should match [default: *] -m positive_int, --merge-bins=positive_int number of consecutive bins in data to merge [default: None] --plot-bins-step=positive_int step to choose bins from all bins for histogram plots [default: 4] --spread-data spread raw data using their counts instead of just repeating them -a, --area-angles compute and draw angles of two systems of fibres determined by equal histogram areas --no-neg-shift do not add 180 degrees to negative angles -s, --show show the figures

Example runs

By default, the results are stored into a directory called output. Use -o option to change that.

  • Analyze histograms in *.txt files of data sets in data/<dataset name> directories, assume 2 von Mises mixture (VMM) components::

    $ ./fit_von_mises.py "*.txt" data/ -n 2

  • Run analysis with parameters given in a file. This example shows how to run the analysis with varying number of VMM components::

    $ ./fit_von_mises.py "*.txt" data/ -c examples/psets/n_components.py

    See other example parameter set files in examples/psets/.