
Request per second / SQLop per second monitoring for Django, using Redis for storage

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



Redis-backed performance monitoring for Django. Can keep track of Django requests per second, Django SQL operations per second and the average duration per request or per SQL operation over time.

Numbers of hits and overall weights are stored in 10 second buckets, to save on space. Only results from previous complete buckets are returned, so it can take up to 10 seconds for a hit to be registered in the hits-per-second metrics.


You will need to install and run a Redis server using a recent version of Redis (one that supports the HINCRBY and HGETALL commands). Redis 2.0.0 or higher should be fine.

You will also need redis-py from - you can pip install the latest version like so:

pip install


  1. Ensure django_redis_monitor is on your Python path.

  2. Add RedisMonitorMiddleware to your middleware, at the top of the stack so that the performance overhead added by other middlewares is included in the request duration calculation:

    MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django_redis_monitor.middleware.RedisMonitorMiddleware', ) + MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

  3. Set your DATABASE_ENGINE setting to 'django_redis_monitor.sqlite3_backend' or 'django_redis_monitor.postgresql_psycopg2_backend' or 'django_redis_monitor.mysql_backend' so your SQL queries can be intercepted and counted.

    If you are using South for migrations, you will also need to add a corresponding SOUTH_DATABASE_ADAPTERS setting:

    SOUTH_DATABASE_ADAPTERS = { 'default': 'south.db.postgresql_psycopg2', # Or 'south.db.sqlite3' or 'south.db.mysql' }

  4. Optional step: Add redis settings to your file (otherwise the following defaults will be used):


  5. Add 'django_redis_monitor' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting so Django can find the correct template for the monitor view. Alternatively, copy the monitor.html template in to a django_redis_monitor directory in your existing templates/ directory.

  6. By default, django_redis_monitor records statistics over time in to separate buckets. If you are using an external monitoring tool such as Nagios you may only need to report the total number or duration of requests since counting began. If so, you can add the following setting:


  7. Hook up the monitoring view function in your

    urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... (r'^redis-monitor/$', 'django_redis_monitor.views.monitor'), )

    If you plan to use the nagios reporting hook, add this as well:

     (r'^redis-monitor/nagios\.xml$', 'django_redis_monitor.views.nagios'),

If you want the monitoring view to only be visible to super users, do this:

from django_redis_monitor.views import monitor
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test

def requires_superuser(view_fn):
    decorator = user_passes_test(lambda u: u.is_superuser)
    return decorator(view_fn)

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # ...
    ('^redis-monitor/$', requires_superuser(monitor)),
  1. Hit your application with a bunch of requests.

  2. Go to http://localhost:8000/redis-monitor/ to see the results.

  3. If you want to ignore requests to certain URLs (the redis-monitor view for example) you can add an optional REDIS_MONITOR_REQUEST_BLACKLIST setting. This can contain either strings or regular expressions:

    import re REDIS_MONITOR_REQUEST_BLACKLIST = ( '/favicon.ico', '/redis-monitor/nagios.xml', re.compile('^/static/'), )