
Generate a secured base32 one time password to authenticate your user! 🔐

CC0-1.0 License


Django SOTP 🔐

Generate a secured base32 one time password to authenticate your user!

Abstract 📑

Django SOTP does just two things, and does them really well.

  • One - it is stupidly secured and simple to integrate
  • Two - it clears out OTPs at the elapsed time

Installation ⏳

Installing django-sotp is very easy, you'll be using (I'd recommend you use a virtual environment, so you don't break your system) the command pip.

Here's how to go about it:

pip install django-sotp

Next is, adding the installed packages to your project:


Since django-sotp depends on a particular package to clear out the OTPs at the elapsed time. We'd have to include another package to our installed apps.

    'django_apscheduler', # added package ;-)

Now you've done it, all you need to do is add the time which you want the generated OTPs to expire:

SOTP_TIME_EXPIRATION = 5 # in minutes

Yesss. Next is to make migrations and migrate to your database and you're good to go!

python makemigrations && python migrate

Congratulations! You're all set! Let's jump right into how to start using it.

How-To Use 📝

You've got django-sotp installed and ready to use, here's how to start using it!

  • Step 1: Import the library to the file (.py) you want to use:
from import GenerateSOTP
  • Step 2: Instantiate the class:
otp = GenerateSOTP()
  • Step 3: Call the generate_otp logic (method) directly in the file, and pass the user's email; since generate_otp requires the user email address to generate the otp code.
# Generates otp code for the user
  • Step 4: A base32 secured token and code has been generated, and saved to the secured_otps table. Oh, let's not forget about the scheduler that has been called to remove the user otp and token after the SOTP_TIME_EXPIRATION has elapsed! 🤝

  • Last Step (maybe?): You can call the function anywhere, anytime.

If you are still finding it difficult to use this package, kindly check the example app I made for reference, or create an issue and state the problem you are experiencing!

Shell Example 🥁

If you'd like to test out the package on your django shell..

  • Step 1: Run the command:
python shell
  • Step 2: Import the libray directly on the shell:
from import GenerateSOTP
  • Step 3: Call the generate_otp method, don't forget to add a user email address:
secured_otp = otp.generate_otp(user_email="[email protected]") # email should exist :-)
  • Step 4: A Token and OTP is generated, and saved to secured_otps database.
{'totp': '5ZCLA7UQVXFP2B5WL5OZG4QDFDJ4GL65', 'OTP': '957092'}