
A basic Django starter app with docker-compose, docker, pipenv and postgres.


This project provides a useful starter dough that you can use to bake a delicious Django cake! It's extremely opinionated, just like Django, and is mostly just something I'll use for my own projects -- Although, you're welcome to use it if you want!

What's included?

  • A basic Pipfile with some useful packages and scripts.
  • A docker-compose file that allows hot-seat reloading and includes a PostgreSQL database that will automatically hook up to your Django app.
  • gunicorn for launching your webapp with several workers and threads. Makes it more scalable, basically.
  • nginx for serving your static files. All static files must be within static/ folder. In order to get static files in django admin section working please run python collectstatic --noinput in your project's directory. It will copy necessary static files from Django app installed in virtual environment.
  • A .gitignore with some common ignores in it.
  • One Django app with nothing in it.

Okay, now how do I do this?

Make sure docker and docker-compose are installed, then just run docker-compose up in the root folder. This will launch your app, and the files will all be hot-reloadable, so you can just write code and refresh the browser.

This will set up a database too, but the database will not persist any data.

Docker is scary, do I have to use it?

Well, no. Here's how you would use it without Docker.

First, you'll need PostgreSQL running somewhere. You'll also need to make sure pipenv is installed. Then create a new file called .env in the root folder, and fill it with something like this:


Now to start your app, just run pipenv install to set everything up, and then pipenv run start to run the app.

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