
Django template tag for rendering math formulas



Render PNG images of math formulas written in LaTeX notation. It's simple as hell:


{% load mathlatex %}
{% math %}
    E = mc^2
{% endmath %}

Requirements and confirguration

The required tools are: * latex with amsmath package, * dvipng

The configuration consists of one declaration in


MATHLATEX_IMAGES_DIR = 'math/'        # Or wherever you wish under MEDIA_ROOT


Always include {% load mathlatex %} in your template.

To simply put a formula inline, write:


Einstein said that {% math %}E = mc^2{% endmath %}.

We can say more:
{% math %}
            x = ct + x\cos(\omega t)\\
            z = R\sin(\omega t)
        \right. \Leftrightarrow
            x = \frac{L}{T}t+R\cos(\omega t)\\
            z = R\sin(\omega t)
        \right. \Leftrightarrow
            x = \frac{\omega t}{k}+R\cos(\omega t)\\
            z = R\sin(\omega t)
{% endmath %}

You may also obtain the instance of formula's model by assigning it to a value:


{% math as einstein %}E=mc^2{% endmath %}
The following equation illustrates mass-energy equivalence:
<img src="{{ einstein.image.url }}" alt="Mass - energy equivalence" />

Alternatively, you may pass an equation as context variable:


from django.template import Template, Context
t3 = Template("{% load mathlatex %}{% math %}{{ einstein }}{% endmath %}")
ctx = Context({'einstein': 'E = mc ^ 2'})

Also you could use math as filter in templates

:: {{text|math}}