
DNS Hole is a network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking tool which acts as a DNS sinkhole.

MIT License


DNS Hole

DNS Hole is a network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking tool which acts as a DNS sinkhole. It comes with a tracker and advertisement block list that can be customized according to user preferences and requirements.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


DNS Hole requires Python (> Python 3.6) .

Getting the project.

$ git clone https://github.com/gdsoumya/dns_hole.git
Download and extract the Zip-File

Installing Dependencies

The Project has a few dependencies which can be installed by running.

$ pip install -r dependencies.txt 

Starting DNS Hole

To start blocking ads and trackers run

$ python dns_hole.py


  • Aggressive Mode : Aggressively blocks any link which contains the keyword "AD". Use with CAUTION, links like googleadservices.com as well as links like addition.com will be blocked.

Finally a DNS Server will be initialized at for use.


Possible Errors :

  1. Run As Root : On linux based systems the script needs to be executed as root, on windows admin permissions will be requested.
  2. Port 53 is already in use/Socket Error : Other processes or services are using the required port(53), kill or close them before executing the script.

Using DNS Hole

To use DNS Hole you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Setup DNS Hole on the Hotspot/Router.
  2. Set the DNS address in your router settings to point to the DNS Hole system.
  3. Setup network settings on specific devices to point their dns to the DNS Hole system.

Changing Block List

To change/update the block list just add or remove the necessary urls in the BlockList.txt file.

Working Demo

Packages Used

  • dnslib : A library to encode/decode DNS wire-format packets.


  • Soumya Ghosh Dastidar


Any contribution/suggestions are welcomed.