My Blog


Writing notes

Writing posts

To write articles, you have to use Markdown language. Here you can find the main basics of Markdown syntax. Please note, there are many different versions of Markdown and some of them are not supported by Hugo.

Front-matter settings

Tranquilpeak introduces new variables to give you a lot of possibilities.

Example :

disqusIdentifier: fdsF34ff34
- javascript
- hexo
clearReading: true
thumbnailImage: image-1.png
thumbnailImagePosition: bottom
autoThumbnailImage: yes
metaAlignment: center
coverImage: image-2.png
coverCaption: "A beautiful sunrise"
coverMeta: out
coverSize: full
coverImage: image-2.png
    - image-3.jpg "New York"
    - image-4.png "Paris"
    - "Dubai"
    - "Sidney"
comments: false
showTags: true
showPagination: true
showSocial: true
showDate: true
Variable Description
disqusIdentifier Define a unique string which is used to look up a page's thread in the Disqus system.
keywords Define keywords for search engines. you can also define global keywords in Hugo configuration file.
clearReading Hide sidebar on all article page to let article take full width to improve reading, and enjoy wide images and cover images. Useless if params.sidebarBehavior is equal to 3 or 4. (true: enable, false: disable). Default behavior : params.clearReading value in theme configuration file.
autoThumbnailImage Automatically select the cover image or the first photo from the gallery of a post if there is no thumbnail image as the thumbnail image. autoThumbnailImage overwrite the setting autoThumbnailImage in the theme configuration file
thumbnailImage Image displayed in index view.
thumbnailImagePosition Display thumbnail image at the right of title in index pages (right, left or bottom). thumbnailImagePosition overwrite the setting thumbnailImagePosition in the theme configuration file
metaAlignment Meta (title, date and categories) alignment (right, left or center). Default behavior : left
coverImage Image displayed in full size at the top of your post in post view. If thumbnail image is not configured, cover image is also used as thumbnail image. Check the beautiful demo here : Cover image demo
coverSize partial: cover image take a part of the screen height (60%), full: cover image take the entire screen height.
coverCaption Add a caption under the cover image : Cover caption demo
coverMeta in: display post meta (title, date and categories) on cover image, out: display meta (title, date and categories) under cover image as usual. Default behavior : in
gallery Images displayed in an image gallery (with fancybox) at the end of the post. If thumbnail image is not configured and cover image too, the first photo is used as thumbnail image. format: original url [thumbnail url] [caption], E.g : "New York"
comments true: Show the comment of the post.
showDate true: Show the date when true (default)
showTags true: show tags of this page.
showPagination true: show pagination.
showSocial true: show social button such as share on Twitter, Facebook...
showMeta true: Show post meta (date, categories).
showActions true: Show post actions (navigation, share links).

Example: A post on index page will look like this with :thumbnailImagePosition set to bottom: thumbnail-image-position-bottom

The same with : thumbnailImagePosition set to right: thumbnail-image-position-right

The same with : thumbnailImagePosition set to left: thumbnail-image-position-left

Define post excerpt


  • <!--more--> to define post excerpt and keep the post excerpt in the post content

Display table of contents

As post excerpt feature enable with <!--more--> comment, you can display the table of contents of a post with <!-- toc -->. Place this comment where you want to display the table of content.

Here is what looks like the table of contents generated: thumbnail-image-position-left


Tranquilpeak introduce new tags to display alert messages, images in full width and create beautiful galleries.


Alert tag is useful to highlight a content like a tips or a warning. Check it live here : Alert tag demo


{{< alert [classes] >}}
{{< /alert >}}


{{< alert danger no-icon >}}
Here is a danger alert without icon
{{< /alert >}}
Argument Description
Classes infosuccesswarningdangerno-icon

Highlight Text

Highlight text tag is useful to highlight an interesting part in a text. Check it live here : Highlight text tag demo


{{< hl-text [classes] >}}
{{< /hl-text >}}


{{< hl-text danger >}}
your highlighted text
{{< /hl-text >}}
Argument Description
Classes classes : redgreenbluepurpleorangeyellowcyanprimarysuccesswarningdanger

It's important to put the paragraph that contains highlight text tag inside <p>...</p> otherwise the following content may not be rendered.


Image tag is useful to add images and create beautiful galleries. Check what are the possibilities here : Image tag demo


{{< image classes="[classes]" src="[/path/to/image]" thumbnail="[/path/to/thumbnail]" group="[group-name]" thumbnail-width="[width of thumbnail]" thumbnail-height="[height of thumbnail]" title="[title text]" >}}


{{< image classes="fancybox right clear" src="image2.png" thumbnail="" group="group:travel" thumbnail-width="150px" thumbnail-height="300px" title="A beautiful sunrise" >}}
Argument Description
classes (optional) You can add css classes to stylize the image. Separate class with whitespace. Tranquilpeak integrate many css class to create nice effects : fancybox : Generate a fancybox image.nocaption : Caption of the image will not be displayed.left : Image will float at the left.right : Image will float at the : Image will be at center.fig-20 : Image will take 20% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.fig-25 : Image will take 25% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.fig-33 : Image will take 33% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.fig-50 : Image will take 50% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.fig-75 : Image will take 75% of the width of post width and automatically float at left.fig-100 : Image will take 100% of the width of post width.clear : Add a div with clear:both; style attached after the image to retrieve the normal flow of the post.
group (optional) Name of a group, used to create a gallery. Only for image with fancybox css class
src Path to the original image.
thumbnail (optional) Path to the thumbnail image. If empty, the orignal image will be displayed.
thumbnail-width (optional) Width to the thumbnail image. If the thumbnail image is empty, width will be attached to thumbnail image created from original image. E.g : 150px or 85%.
thumbnail-height (optional) Height to the thumbnail image. If the thumbnail image is empty, height will be attached to thumbnail image created from original image. E.g : 300px or 20%.
title (optional) Title of image displayed in a caption under image. Alt HTML attribute will use this title. E.g : "A beautiful sunrise".

Tabbed code block

Tabbed code blocks are useful to group multiple code blocks related. For example, the source code of a web component (html, css and js). Or compare a source code in different languages.

Check it live : tabbed code block demo


{{< tabbed-codeblock [name] [link] >}}
    <!-- tab [lang] -->
        source code
    <!-- endtab -->
{{< /tabbed-codeblock >}}


{{< tabbed-codeblock example >}}
    <!-- tab js -->
        var test = 'test';
    <!-- endtab -->
    <!-- tab css -->
        .btn {
            color: red;
    <!-- endtab -->
{{< /tabbed-codeblock >}}
Argument Description
Name (optional) Name of the code block, or of the file
Link (optional) Link to a demo, or a file
Lang (optional) Programming language use for the current tab

Wide image

Wide image tag is useful to display wide images in full width. It take the entire window width. Check the the result : Wide image tag demo


{{< wide-image src="[/path/to/image]" title="[title text]" >}}


{{< wide-image src="" title="A beautiful sunrise" >}}
Argument Description
src Path to the original image.
title (optional) Title of image displayed in a caption under image. Alt HTML attribute will use this title. E.g : "A beautiful sunrise".

Writing pages

Sometimes you need to create a page that is not a regular blog post, where you want to hide the date, social sharing buttons, tags, categories and pagination. This is the case for the blog pages About or Contact for instance which do not need to be timestamped (nor tagged or categorized) nor provide pagination and are not intended to be shared on social networks.

In order to create such a page you can proceed like so:

hugo new page/

This creates the file in the directory content/page pre-populated with the following front matter.

title: "New Page"
- category
- subcategory
- tag1
- tag2
- tech
comments:       false
showMeta:       false
showActions:    false
#thumbnailImage: //

The rest is basically the same as for a regular post.

Math with KaTex

More in this Hugo HP.

1. _{ problem

Replace _{ by \_{ to disable Markdown transform. Such as:

s_t = f(U x_t + W s\_{t-1} )

2. \ problem

Replace \ by \\ to disable Markdown transform. Such as:

\\{ A\_{i,i} \\}

3. Aligned layout with empty before =

Prepend \ before &=. Such as:

E_t(y_t, \hat{h_y}) &= -y_t log{\hat{y_t}} \\cr
E(y, \hat{y})       &= \sum_t{E_t(y_t, \hat{h_y})} \\cr
                  \ &= -\sum_t{y_t log{h_y})}

Useful Links