
python implementation of dpack evm packaging format


dpack-py ☀️

a python port of dpack evm packaging format.

dpack allows you to share the entire deployment with all the appropriate addresses and artifacts needed to interact with evm contracts.

the library provides a low-level implementation, as well as bindings for ape.


pip install dpack-py

since dpack uses ipfs pointers, it requires you running an ipfs daemon. see ipfs docs for how to install it.

you can set an IPFS_RPC_URL environment variable if you use a remote ipfs node.


to set up the extra libraries useful for development:

uv venv
make dev

load a dpack

use dpack.load to load a dpack from a local file. it will lazily fetch the needed artifacts from ipfs when you access the corresponding contract types and objects.

both types and objects expose a contract_type property decoded by ethpm-types into a python model. it allows easy abi lookups like shown below.

import dpack

pack = dpack.load("examples/uniswap-v3.dpack.json")


objects also expose a contract_instance property (not the same as in ape) that allows looking up contract typename and address.

# or use a shorthand attribute access

make a dpack

to make a dpack, use pack_type and pack_object methods. packing types is optional as you can just pack your named objects and the library will take care of packing unique contract types automatically.

import dpack

pack = (

to save a dpack to a json file, simply call save with a file path.


you may pack as many objects and types as you wish, but note that the current version of the format (dpack-1) specifies the network at top level, so you cannot make multichain dpacks yet.

use dpack in ape

this library also provides an easy wrapper that loads up objects as ape contract instances, so you can interact with them right away.

types are exposed as a provider-aware wrapper ContractContainer. objects are ready-to-use ContractInstance.

types can be also accessed with a subscript shorthand like pack["MyType"]. you can cast an address to a type with .at(address), which returns a ContractInstance.

objects can be also accessed with an attribute shorthand like pack.my_contract.

$ ape console --netwowrk ethereum:mainnet

import dpack.ape

pack = dpack.ape.load('examples/uniswap-v3.dpack.json')
# <ApeDpack types=['UniswapV3Factory', 'UniswapInterfaceMulticall', 'Multicall2', 'ProxyAdmin', 'TickLens', 'NFTDescriptor', 'NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor', 'NonfungiblePositionManager', 'V3Migrator', 'QuoterV2', 'SwapRouter02', 'Permit2', 'UniversalRouter', 'UniswapV3Staker', 'Uni', 'UniswapV3Pool'] objects=['factory', 'multicall', 'multicall2', 'proxy_admin', 'tick_lens', 'nft_descriptor', 'nonfungible_token_position_descriptor', 'transparent_upgradeable_proxy', 'nonfungible_position_manager', 'v3_migrator', 'quoter', 'swap_router', 'permit_2', 'universal_router', 'staker', 'uni', 'pool']>

# attribute access is shorthand for objects
# <UniswapV3Factory 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984>

# subscript access is shorthand for types
# <UniswapV3Pool>

# you can apply types with .at(address)
[pack['UniswapV3Pool'].at(log['pool']) for log in pack.factory.PoolCreated[:3]]
# [<UniswapV3Pool 0x1d42064Fc4Beb5F8aAF85F4617AE8b3b5B8Bd801>, <UniswapV3Pool 0x6c6Bc977E13Df9b0de53b251522280BB72383700>, <UniswapV3Pool 0x7BeA39867e4169DBe237d55C8242a8f2fcDcc387>]

make a dpack with ape

ape also makes it easier to author dpacks, since you an leverage its capabilities to fetch the needed abis from an explorer.

see this example to learn how it's done.