
Using a Dtrace with Python

MIT License


Dtrace and Python

This is a demonstration of using Dtrace with Python 3.6/3.7 suitable for a five minute lightning talk. You need an Apple Mac or another OS with Dtrace support.

The demonstration shows how dtrace can attach and profile running Python processes giving you live profiling and debugging information.

The fiction surrounding this demonstration is of a hot new startup that creates personalised cat videos and it wants to demonstrate its SRE skills by tracing a server in production, live!


Create a dtrace version of Python and a virtual environment in ~/venvs directory (or wherever you prefer):

cd ~/tmp
curl -o Python-3.7.0.tgz https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.0/Python-3.7.0.tgz
tar -xzf Python-3.7.0.tgz
cd Python-3.7.0
./configure --with-dtrace
python.exe -m venv ~/venvs/dtrace

If you want to show off Py-Spy then install it:

paulross@Pauls-MBP-1  ~/dtrace-py (master)
$ pip install py-spy
Collecting py-spy
  Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/67/77/57fbee60cb6870894a9436a80ba5e19bd46cc7d040615e5ab07863d1726a/py_spy-0.1.5-py2.py3-none-macosx_10_7_x86_64.whl
Installing collected packages: py-spy
Successfully installed py-spy-0.1.5


Create three shells, cd to the directory this README.md is in.

In the first ('Python') shell, make it around 60 columns wide, activate dtrace Python3.6 and launch it, this will be used to run the python demo continuously:

. ~/venvs/dtrace/bin/activate

In the second ('Dtrace') shell put it side by side with the 'Python' shell, if you can make it 100 columns wide that would be great.

In a third ('Presentation') shell make it 85 columns wide with the text as large as possible for the presentation.


Check that the changes of d_demo/a_py_flowinfo.d from a previous demo in function-entry and function-return are absent, the line /copyinstr(arg1) == "new_cat_video"/ should not be in the functions python*:::function-entry and python*:::function-return:

Check that the version of Python you are running has probes, I'm assuming PID 24601 here:

$ sudo dtrace -l -P python24601
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME
 4875 python24601          python3          _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault function-entry
 4876 python24601          python3          _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault function-return
 4877 python24601          python3                           collect gc-done
 4878 python24601          python3                           collect gc-start
 4879 python24601          python3          _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault line

The Lightning Talk

In the presentation shell run:

$ python3 presentation.py

The following keys work:

  • <cr> - Next slide.
  • b<cr> - Previous slide.
  • q<cr> - Quit
  • r<cr> - Refresh display (useful after resizing the command line).

When you reach the "Live demo!" slide bring the other two shells to the foreground.

In the dtrace shell bring up the demo.py code:

"This is a demo of a hot new startup that will deliver to you every day a personalised cat video. It examines your social media profile and searches the web for just the right cat video for you. Of course this is just a MVP for angel investors.

In the code above, go() represents the server continuously running. It simulates serving 8 requests for cat videos by calling find() with a random number to represent the search depth. find() then calls new_cat_video() that randomly pauses to represent the hard work of personalising a cat video. Its really just a simulation of our server at work."

In the Python shell launch Python, then start the server with:

>>> import demo
>>> demo.go()

You should see something like this, the PID is important for the next step:

Each * represents part of the search and each + represents a cat video being personalised.

"Now one of our SRE's want to trace what is going on in the production server."

Tracing All Python Function Calls

In the dtrace shell:

$ sudo dtrace -s d_demo/a_py_flowinfo.d -p 24601

You should see something like this [Ctrl-C to stop tracing]:

On the right we have the following columns for each function call or return:

  1. Core number.
  2. PID.
  3. Delta time in microseconds from previous line.
  4. Source file and line number.
  5. Type of the probe, in all these cases it is func but garbage collection start/stop is also possible.
  6. Function, indented by stack depth.

This even traces the standard library of course.

"I don't want the whole call stack, its too much, just give me the new_cat_video() function call."

Tracing a Specific Function

You can edit d_demo/a_py_flowinfo.d to show only the function new_cat_video() by copying line 53 which is the predicate: /copyinstr(arg1) == "new_cat_video"/

$ vi d_demo/a_py_flowinfo.d

And inserting this predicate as lines 75 and 86:

Running the same command:

$ sudo dtrace -s d_demo/a_py_flowinfo.d -p 24601

You should see something like this:

Function Counting

This aggregates the the function calls and the execution time. Use the command:

$ sudo dtrace -s d_demo/b_py_calltime.d -p 24601

Wait for a few seconds then hit Ctrl-C and you will see:

This gives the count of function calls and the inclusive and exclusive time spent in them in microseconds.

"But all those numbers, can't we have pictures?"

Function Execution Time Histogram

With the command:

$ sudo dtrace -s d_demo/c_py_calldist.d -p 24601

You should see an ASCII histogram, note demo.py, func, new_cat_video, the second table from the bottom:

That is the demo over, now back to the presentation shell and finish that off.

With a little practice this can all be done in less than 5 minutes.


If you are quick you might be able to demonstrate Py-Spy.

Py-Spy is a sampling profiler for Python programs. It lets you visualize what your Python program is spending time on without restarting the program or modifying the code in any way. Py-Spy is extremely low overhead: it is written in Rust for speed and doesn't run in the same process as the profiled Python program, nor does it interrupt the running program in any way. This means Py-Spy is safe to use against production Python code.

Py-Spy works on Linux, OSX and Windows, and supports profiling all recent versions of the CPython interpreter (versions 2.3-2.7 and 3.3-3.6).

Here is Py-Spy sampling our which is running this time as PID 6871:

$ sudo py-spy -p 6871

And the interactive SVG flame graph obtained by:

$ sudo py-spy -p 6871 -f images/PySpyFlame.svg

Further Resources

In this repo you will find a other Dtrace *.d files for Python in the toolkit/ directory.