PyTorch code for "Adaptively-Halting Policy Network for Early Classification", published at KDD'19. Paper link: https://thartvigsen.github.io/papers/kdd19.pdf


Adaptive-Halting Policy Network for Early Classification

This repository is the official implementation of Adaptive-Halting Policy Network for Early Classification, published at ACM SIGKDD 2019.


To train the model on our simple synthetic dataset, run this command:

python train.py --dataset synthetic

Our code include arguments for different hyperparameters of the model and dataset which may also be passed into the training file at runtime. This code will train a model, evaluate it on a validation split of the training set, then save the model.


To test the model on the synthetic dataset, run this command:

python test.py --dataset synthetic

This requires that all model architecture parameters are kept the same but will load in the saved model. If desired, the path to the proper saved model may be passed in as an additional argument. This code will load the saved model and run it once on the testing set. Then, it will print out the testing accuracy and the average halting time.

General Example

Integrating the EARLIEST model with existing PyTorch code is easy:

from model import EARLIEST

# --- hyperparameters ---
N_FEATURES = 5 # Number of variables in your data (if we have clinical time series recording both heart rate and blood pressure, this would be a 2-dimensional time series, regardless of the number of timesteps)
N_CLASSES = 3 # Number of classes
HIDDEN_DIM = 50 # Hidden dimension of the RNN
CELL_TYPE = "LSTM" # Use an LSTM as the Recurrent Memory Cell.
NUM_TIMESTEPS = 10 # Number of timesteps in your input series (EARLIEST doesn't need this as input, this is just set to create synthetic series)
BATCH_SIZE = 32 # Pick your batch size
LAMBDA = 0.0 # Set lambda, the emphasis on earliness

# --- defining data and model ---
d = torch.rand((NUM_TIMESTEPS, BATCH_SIZE, N_FEATURES)) # A simple synthetic time series.
labels = torch.randint(2, size=(BATCH_SIZE)) # Random synthetic labels.

# --- inference ---
# Now we can use m for inference
logits, halting_points = m(d)
_, predictions = torch.max(torch.softmax(logits, 1), 1)

# --- computing loss and gradients ---
# Computing the loss is quite simple:
loss = m.applyLoss(logits, labels)
loss.backward() # Compute all gradients

In practice, it may prove helpful to:

  1. Alter the epsilon values over time -- you can tune this to change how much you want the model to randomly wait/halt: Early on in training, waiting helps the classifier cover the discrimination space better.
  2. Apply the Discriminator and let the Controller look at the predictions made
    prior to making its decision. This is a different model but would likely lead
    to better classification!
    If you try one of these, please let Tom know how it goes!

Requirements: PyTorch 1.0+, NumPy, and Scikit-Learn.

If you find this code helpful, feel free to cite our paper:

  title={Adaptive-Halting Policy Network for Early Classification},
  author={Hartvigsen, Thomas and Sen, Cansu and Kong, Xiangnan and Rundensteiner, Elke},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining},
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