
Python library for configuring the Astro A50 wireless headset and base station (generation 4)

MIT License



eh-fifty is a Python library for configuring the Astro A50 wireless headset and base station (generation 4).

Use at your own risk. eh-fifty was developed using reverse engineering. If you get into trouble, re-plug your base station and reset your headset by holding down the "game" and "Dolby" buttons together for 15 seconds.

eh-fifty has only been tested on Linux, although it may work on other platforms supported by PyUSB.


  • get/set microphone level
  • get/set microphone EQ preset
  • get/set side tone volume
  • get/set noise gate mode
  • get/set alert volume
  • get/set active EQ preset
  • get/set EQ preset parameters
  • get/set game/voice balance
  • save configuration values
  • get charging status and battery level
  • get headset status
  • get EQ preset name
  • update firmware


Retrieve the current battery charge:

from eh_fifty import Device
device = Device()
battery_status = device.get_battery_status()
print(f"Battery: {battery_status.charge_percent}%")

Non-root access

Create a udev rule to allow non-root users to access the USB device:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="9886", ATTR{idProduct}=="002c", MODE:="0666"' | \
    sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-astro-a50.rules

Re-plug your base station to apply the new rule.

Protocol Documentation


The first byte of a request is 0x02.

The second byte of a request is a request type (see below).

An optional request payload may follow, prefixed by the length of the payload in bytes, not including this byte.


The first byte of a response is 0x02.

The second byte of a response may be either:

  • 0x00 for "no response"
  • 0x01 for "error"
  • 0x02 for "success"

Unless the second byte represents "no response", the third byte of a response is the remaining length of the response measured in bytes, not including this byte.

Saved Values

Sending request type 0x61 will save the active configuration. Saved values can be queried separately from active values. This can be used by applications to implement an operation to revert to a saved configuration. Changes to the active configuration effect immediately; saving changes is not required.

Request Types

Type Description
0x03 unknown
0x54 returns headset power and dock status
0x55 unknown
0x61 save active values
0x62 set value of specified slider
0x63 set EQ preset gain
0x64 set noise gate mode
0x67 set active EQ preset
0x68 get value of specified slider
0x69 get EQ preset gain
0x6A get noise gate mode
0x6C get active EQ preset
0x6D set EQ preset name
0x6E get EQ preset name
0x6F set EQ preset frequency and bandwidth
0x70 get EQ preset frequency and bandwidth
0x71 set microphone EQ preset
0x72 get balance
0x73 set default balance
0x74 set auto shutoff timeout (ineffective)
0x75 set brightness (ineffective)
0x76 set alert volume
0x77 get default balance
0x78 get auto shutoff timeout
0x79 get brightness
0x7A get alert volume
0x7B get microphone EQ preset
0x7C get battery status
0x83 unknown (returns "slave timeout" error)
0xDA unknown
0xD6 unknown